Friday, October 3, 2008


Here's a quick sketch in Photoshop. We were given "orange" as a theme for an art wall in our kitchen area. When i thought of artwork hanging in the kitchen, I immediately envisioned cheese. Maybe it's cuz I've been stealing someone's string cheese outta the fridge for like the past 3 weeks. Hey, if no one is complaining, what's all the fuss? Anyway, I always thought that one of the strangest home videos I've seen are the ones filming someone sleepwalking and going into the kitchen. Although they're in a total daze, some of them can open the fridge and even make a sandwich! I don't know if I believe they're really asleep cuz some of those sandwiches look better than the ones I make awake, but it's pretty amazing to watch nonetheless. My mind works in strange ways as you can see. Now I'm hungry! Where's that string cheese??


  1. Oh yeah! I completely thought it was drawn traditionally. Great sketch, It's cool to also see these style of roughs from you.

  2. Like this drawing almost as much as cheese, a very fun and wild piece.

  3. Thanks everybody!

    I'm digging all your character designs Bobby! Nice stuff!

    Ed, Vinny, and Dorota - I miss that caricature wall. Any classics (or brutally unflattering) pieces posted while I've been out?

  4. Tanner, I put a brutally unflattering one up recently. But it was removed.
    So I posted it on my blog a few entries back.

  5. Great drawing, Eric. The sketchy pen line brings a real nice organic feeling to the work.

  6. Thanks Steve, Monaco, and Medhi!

    Because so much of my work involves graphic design, I don't get to draw nearly enough. It was so much fun to lose myself in drawing once again, even if it was only for an hour or so.

  7. Hi Eric, love the Indiana Jones series you are doing. Will your "Last Crusade" installment emerge before the end of the year?

  8. Hey Eric,

    Awesome drawing, hard to believe its sketched in photoshop. You have that wacom on lock!!

  9. Hi Eric...

    I just finished an article I did for the NFFC ( on ACME Archives, and I referenced one of your pieces of art (Indy).

    If you'd like a copy of the article, in it's 'beta' form, please email me (address below if you can) and I'd be happy to give you a copy.

    It will eventually end up in print in the NFFC's Summer Convention issue. We had the Mclain's there, and Chris Jackson as well.

    By the way, I LOVE your style. Your work for Disney is just amazing. :)

    Dan Bejma
    imtigger -at- pacbell - dought - net
    Carlsbad, CA

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Awesome style dude, did you help design the credits for rataloulie? I love the Wall-E poster, can't wait to see what comes next : )

  12. Nice work! Your stuff always makes me smile.

  13. just awesome...:)...hope you can check my blog, it will be an honor to have some comments from you.
