Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fun With Cintiq!

Unfortunately, when I moved out to London, I didn't get to take the Cintiq monitor from work with me. Once you get used to that thing, you really do suffer when you have to revert back to a mouse or a tablet. I think it's called being spoiled. For me, I just got really slow at everything. Fortunately, they finally got all these new Macs and a Cintiq at our London office so I was able to jump back on it for this quick little project. We have these informational signs with a blank open space that are going up in each department and I was asked to come up with something for our team. This came from by all my trips on the tube to and from work. You do get an interesting mix of business people, punk rock teenagers, and families on those trains. The kid represents youth and all that Disney magic (I also snuck in an Arsenal scarf). Although the adults are all serious in their dark business attire, they still have hits of red to show that they haven't completely lost what the kid has.


  1. Wait, what? Is this the kind of crap that passes for work there? Maybe I'm missing the point, but what is this kind of illustration going to be used for? Red represents what?... Get your ass back here, before you get corrupted, Tanner.

    Miss you very much.

    (No kidding, buddy, what the hell WAS that?)

  2. that is so adorable! i'm actually using it for my laptop background.
    i'm happy that you are coming back here, its been so quiet since you've been gone.

  3. Geez Vince! Either you're saying I completely missed the boat, or I should chuck the illustration and stick to designing. Ouch!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence Elena! See you guys soon!

  4. Tan! I love of my favorites of yours. Well executed, and I love the panoramic format.

  5. Nice! Real storybook quality. (That was a hint. You gotta make something I can read to my boys!) Hope you're doing well and enjoying the welsh rarebit and raisin pudding.

  6. That is REALLY good. It's on my screen @ work as well! Keep it up!

  7. I had to scroll thru my screen to see the whole drawing. It made for an interesting affect. Excellent stuff. Mind the gaps.

  8. this is great, tanner. design and draw...on two continents no less. I imagine everything around there is having a great influence on your art. cant wait to here all the stories when you return.

  9. Thanks guys! I'll definitely see you all soon.

    Yeah Rich, It's easy to get influenced here because not only is it a whole different environment than the U.S., but they also do a great job celebrating the arts, from the one zillion museums to all the installations you see in public spaces. It's nuts!

    Thanks for the disc. Can't wait to see all the Alaska stuff.

  10. Another hit from the Tan-man.

    I'll start having them printed and sold before you get back, sir!

  11. Kidding aside, I love the look of this one. Excellent composition, linework and color placement.

  12. Cool, fun, innocent. Within all the darkness of society, there is still a glimmer of light (that`s what I see). I like this type of story telling in illustrations.

    Nice Eric.

  13. Thanks everyone!

    Ed, you got it. Glad the point came across.
