Friday, November 7, 2008

Sketch (and Pub) Crawlin' in the U.K.

Never having left the states (except for a few muy caliente nights in jolly old Tijuana), I really didn't have a clue as to the magnitude of all the surroundings I would see in Europe. Photos don't really do any of them justice. With all the historic architecture around, you really do get a newfound sense of what amazing things people can accomplish. Especially with something massive like the colosseum in Rome, your mind is completely blown just trying to comprehend what the hell went on during that build. With sketchbook in hand, I ventured out to capture everything I saw as I traveled. These are sights I saw during my weekend train journeys in and out of London. I have no idea where the flying objects started, but I had fun carrying them throughout each sketch. Upon reflection, those soaring symbols may have come from my never-ending dreams of flying above the world, with peaceful thoughts of hope sprinkling my panoramic memories just as stars fill the vast night sky...oh wait, judging from the last sketch, them flying objects were completely inspired by beer.


  1. excelente work, congratulation master...

  2. your trip is inspiring! i wish i could go see the world... :)

  3. WOW, insBEERation is perfect.
    Cool drawing Eric or should I say coBEERol drawings.

  4. Nice sketches! Makes me want a Chimay.

  5. well, well. I wonder where your head was for your entire length of stay... I think that last sketch says it all. BTW, those are AMAZING drawings!! Photocopy then & send to me!!!

  6. I love these Eric! Makes me want to go be insBeer-ed in London.

  7. Thanks everyone. If beer wasn't legal, I'd be much more of a productive citizen - less fun maybe but I'd probably also post a lot more too.

    Stace, glad you like 'em even though they're nowhere near as impressive as one of your police sketches.

  8. No way Eric, your sketches put my criminal to shame :) Although, with a little more practice maybe I've found my future calling as a police sketch artist. So if you ever hear of any *@!-t goin down, let me know and I'll come running with my sketchpad. Good playing last night by the way!

  9. Beautiful sketches, Eric! I really enjoy seeing the world through your eyes. You could really market a product that allows others to do just that. Eric Tan Aviator-Style Blues Blockers now with Retsin! I get .o5% royalty, right? ;)
