Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bloody Good Food!

Vanessa, one of my good friends at work, always keeps me up to date on the latest and greatest restaurants and dessert joints around town. She's a definite 'foodie' who gets irritable during the hours between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I tend to throw snacks on her desk before meetings just so she won't scream at everyone once the meeting begins. Her intense passion for food is only matched by her intense passion for picking at her fingers til they bleed. I have no idea what that behavior is about, but I do get a kick out of counting how many band-aids she uses in the span of a day. I love creating personal cards utilizing my sick sense of humor for my friends, so when it came to Vanessa's birthday, I wanted to capture her passion for food....and band-aids. The 1st one is inspired by French food posters and her addiction to sweets. The 2nd one involves her love for Korean tofu soup. I may have gone a little overboard on the bloody fingers featured in the cupcake poster. And I may have been too nice with just the one band-aid in the tofu poster. On an average day, Vanessa's fingers look somewhere in between the two. If you're lucky enough to meet her one day, I'd pass on the handshake and just give her the old 'fist bump'. Better safe than sorry! ;) Happy Birthday Vanessa!!!


  1. I love your posters! And the Cars ones too!

  2. Ha! I pick my fingers too. It's an impulse/compulsive disorder called dermatillomania. Wonderful art as usual!! Big fan :)

  3. You have no idea how long and how much money it took me but I did. Just thought I would show you.

    You are one of my fav. artists.

  4. Aww thanks Rona! We miss you at the office :(

    CoralBug, I'll definitely pass the info on to Vanessa. She'll get comfort in knowing she's not alone.

    Thanks Chaseter! I love the way they're framed and all hanging as one.

  5. This captures vanessa to a T! great job big brother!
