Friday, March 18, 2011


Here's a poster series for the upcoming 'Cars 2' that I had the cool opportunity to help out with. I think you pretty much know by now that I'm a HUGE fan of anything retro and travel, so when the idea came up of doing a series that combined both of those things, I jumped at the chance to contribute in any way possible. Working with the creatives at the Disney Studio and Pixar Animation is always an inspirational and creatively challenging experience. I definitely learn a ton from those guys and the collaboration produces really cool results. Hopefully, you'll start to see these out and about next month.


  1. Amazing designs! Porto Corsa has to be my favorite of the four.

  2. Love the London poster, reminds me of old James Bond films :)

  3. Thanks guys! I'm glad you approve.

    It's been interesting to see which ones people pick. I think I had the most fun working on the Porto Corsa one cuz it was bright and involved a more natural landscape. I love racing too and it was great to figure out how to incorporate some of the other racers into it. Buildings are always tough for me to make look interesting AND they are a lot more time-consuming. The 'Big Bentley' in the London poster took about a day to put together.

    Sue, there definitely is a spy theme throughout the film so I'm glad that came across in the London piece.

  4. All the colors and fades are terrific! And all of the designs tie together really well.

  5. Sundeep and Craig, I'm glad you like the poster & thanks for continuing to follow the least updated blog ever! (sorry for the lack of updates, but i should have another new one next week)

  6. I dig the London one... the facial expression screams 'Suave Brit'!

    (ps. Eric, how would one get in touch with you via email? [chris[at]])

  7. Really glad I stopped by today. These are fantastic!

  8. after "lost" you became my myth, now with "cars" you are my son's myth!

  9. Thanks for stopping by Oliver, Chris,Steve and Ottario. Your comments are very humbling and it feels really good to hear after the exciting & challenging process on Cars 2. Funny thing is, these are just 4 of a total of 11 that I worked on for the film. You should start to see the rest filter out as we get closer to the film's debut.

    Ottario, That's the most flattering compliment I ever remember receiving. I'm very honored and I'm glad you and your son have discovered and enjoyed the artwork.
    Grazie, il mio amico!

  10. I continue to love your work and wish I had known of you 3 years ago.

    You are easily one of my favorite pop artists.

  11. Love these as well! Such great work Eric!

  12. Thanks chaseter and Kimberley! I appreciate that you guys continue dto follow and support my work. I can't wait to show you the rest of the series once they are released.

  13. Omg I love them all.. Awesome job Mr. Tan!

  14. Aww thanks Eunmi! We miss you here!!! COME BACK!!!! ;)

  15. Great series Tan! Really fun to see how your style has evolved over the years. Great work!

  16. Fantastic dude! I remember seeing these on the walls the week before I left DCP.

  17. Thanks Ry and Tom, that means a lot coming from ultra-talented dudes such as yourselves!
