Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time Flies...

My friend's daughter, Liv, was surfin' the ol' web when she stumbled upon this crazy site. Since I have really bad short-term memory, I sometimes forget what I actually have worked on in the past. It's fun to find something like this online to remind me of the projects I've been fortunate enough to have been a part of and to and reassure me that all the effort we artists put in can inspire people from all over to follow your career. Special thanks to Danny Outlaw for doing a much better job than I ever did collecting and organizing my artwork. I owe ya a beer Mr. Outlaw :)



  1. Awesome work and awesome compilation :)
    Good job both of you!

  2. Bring back memories for me too, Tanner. did all that!

  3. Thanks Roger and Larry! It's a trip to go back and see these. Especially the older stuff like The Incredibles. That project really started me down this poster path. I'm still having so much fun with it and learning more and more as I go...

  4. it's great to have all the stuff in one place.
    I do wish some of it was available in poster form... especially some of the UP stuff, and the X-men!

  5. Hello Lord Sketch and thank you for visiting! The Up posters are actually available through

  6. That blog post is actually how I found your work and blog, for which I am grateful! :) I love your style, and am happy to see all the fantastic stuff you are doing for Disney, which I love!

  7. I'm glad you found my site Rach. And I appreciate the compliments so much. This blog world really has introduced me to a bunch of folks I would've never other-wised reached, and in tern has led me to so many other artists' work that I now follow on a daily basis. I hope you keep checking in (even though I may be the slowest poster ever).

    DWilson, thank you so much for bringing that site to my attention and sending them an email regarding the art. That was a really nice gesture and I really appreciate it ;)

  8. Hello Eric! I can't wait to see some of your upcoming stuff because I have some extra wallspace and I need a new Eric Tan print to fill it!

  9. Hey Eric, awesome stuff!

    Any word on if you can do a Crash variant or anything? Just curious, still need to get my hands on one! Keep up the good work!

  10. I love your work! So, the burning question: Ronie Midfew Arts offered a second series of prints leading up to the LOST series finale; man, I kept waiting for another LOST-inspired piece from such luck! I have "the crash" on my wall, and was wondering if there was any chance you might one day do a companion piece for the end of the show? If you ever do, count me in... :)

  11. i think you are special. i owe you money.

  12. LOVE your work! Are you going to be at comic con this year? If so are you working on a new piece?
