Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This is Just A Test!

Ok, this is just one element of many that makes up a poster I'm working on that's a "tribute" to my favorite film of all time. Can you guess what it is? There aren't too many flying Deloreans out there so the answer should be a cake walk. I have in mind what I'd like the rest of the poster to look like and I'll start to post more elements as they are created. This is merely a study into how I'm thinking of painting the thing and I guarantee it will change in the end. I'm researching 1950's American Advertisements for this one so it might be a little more rendered and painterly than a lot of the previous stuff I've done. I hope you're as excited as I am to see the final version! Check "back" here for "future" updates. Yup, that's my lameness shining through! I'm just gonna make like a tree and get outta here...



  1. Wow--I love BTTF and I can't wait to see this when it's all done!

  2. That's a great looking Tron Light Cycle, Tanner! Except too many wheels.

  3. Love work so far. I took a trip to the Ford Museum outside Detroit recently, and the ad definitely reminds me of some period ads displayed in their collection.

    Can't wait till more "Tanner goodness" is revealed.

  4. BTTF is my favorite movie too! And I love you art. THIS COULD BE HUGE.

    Should I be the first to ask for prints to be made available? :)

    If not, that would be as dumb as a screen door on a battleship.

  5. AWESOME! Can't wait for the prints to be available!

  6. STAR WAAAaaaars!!!

    ....just kidding.
    LOVE IT!

  7. Ah, so good! Do you think you could explain some time how to paint textures like that or point me towards some resources?



  8. Looks pretty awesome so far! Can't wait to what other BTTF elements you include on the poster.

  9. Really? Back to the Future? Looks good anyways.

  10. Best movie ever!! We are kindred spirits...

    Long live Doc & Marty!

  11. Eric, let me know where your research takes you because I'm a huge fan myself of that era...

  12. Thanks for the comments guys! I'm pretty nervous trying to do justice to my fave flick. It isn't a straight-on movie poster, rather more like a toungue-in-cheek advertisement that could've existed in the 50's with hints of the film thrown in. Hopefully it captures enough of the film. This will all make more sense when I eventually post comps of the layout.

    The actual grain in the test is done in photoshop by painting with a fuzzy-edged brush on a dissolve layer and some noise added in.

    And yes, prints of the eventual poster will be sold at an upcoming gallery show which I'll post the flyer for once I get it.

  13. Ahh that is Genius. I could only find one other Back to the Future print from now i will have 2!

  14. Hey Tan,
    Nice work buddy.....when this project hits 88 miles per hour....we're gonna see some serious sh*t!!

  15. Can't wait to see it, it'll be amazing! :)

  16. This is going to be sweet, you couldn't have chosen a better movie.

  17. Dang, back to the future rocks, I grew up next to Mr. Zemeckis's parents, which made it even cooler. Cannot wait to see the final thing.

  18. Love BTTF, love your work, so i can't wait !

  19. wake up and get to posting, Tanner! :)

  20. I also love BTTF...I hope I get one. It will go nice next to my Indy giclee!

  21. So I'm hoping this is for the Gallery 1988 show next month--I'm actually going to try and go.

  22. Where we're going...we don't need roads!

    This made my day. Still have all three on vhs!
