Sunday, May 31, 2009

Them Dogs Can Talk!

Here's the rest of the poster series I created for Up. I finally got to see the finished film and to say that I loved it would almost seem like an understatement. It absolutely blew me away which says a lot because one of the perks of working with Disney and Pixar is getting to see the film at various stages of production. To get that access is amazing but at the same time, it's difficult to see the final film with fresh eyes. More often than not, I find myself concentrating on the changes they made rather than the film as a whole. I knew early on that Up was a special film. Even in early storyboard form, it already had all the strong emotional and comedic elements. I guess it was so good that even after round after round of screening it, it really held up and continued to grow and resonate more and more with me. I can't wait to see it again...for the umpteenth time. It's definitely an honor to get to work on a tiny part of the awesomeness called Up.


  1. Haven't seen the movie yet but this looks great! Awsome!

  2. This travel poster collection is terrific, Eric. It perfectly compliments the film.

    Where do these beauties go after you're done with them?

  4. It's also a treat for us to see these designs. Great stuff, Tanner. I'm really enjoying this whole series!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow...these are breathtaking! Are there any for sale?

  7. Thanks everyone! I hope I did justice to the film which, as you can tell from my write up, is one of the coolest animated films I've ever seen. Wait, make that films in general!

    Whitney, Pixar began requesting these to decorate their atrium, but they soon found their way to trading cards, postcards, and giclee prints sold by art printers and galleries.

    Hutch, I'm glad you dig!

    Tralisa, the film is definitely worth the wait!

    Michael, yeah larger prints of these are available at studios like Acme Archives and Sanders Art Studio. Zazzle has smaller versions for sale.

  8. Stunning work! I absolutely loved the film and you've captured its spirit in these posters perfectly. Any chance you'll do one of Carl and Ellie and their tender love from childhood through old age?

  9. These are awesome Tann-O!

    They're selling like hot cakes in my bootleg Eric Tan art gallery. You should come by and sign autographs. It's the car with the trunk up on the corner of Grandview and Grandcentral where all of the Asian men congregate.

  10. Great work, Eric. It shows that you really enjoyed working on this project.

  11. I just saw that movie this morning! I loved it, but i like your posters for it even more!

  12. Great work as always, Eric.

    I like that you went so far with the vintage look as to yellow the paper, and add the creases. Really helps sell that look.

  13. As of friday, the posters are no longer available on Zazzle. I'm literally shedding a tear over this! If i could shell out the dough and buy a real print from Acme Archives or another gallery i SO would! LOVE your work Eric!

  14. Great movie. Saw it on on sat, very powerful. Love the 3D

  15. Hey! These are amazing! I really like them a lot! Will probably see UP on DVD since I think Olivia's too young right now, but by the time it's out on dics, she might be able to handle the "scarier" scenes.

  16. Hi, Eric,

    A friend of mine suggested I contact you with regard to your work. Are you able to donate a signed poster or sketch to a charity art auction? I regret making this request public on your blog, but since you don't know me personally, it was the only way to go.

    I have more official info that I can share (our organization fights children's brain cancer). If moved to donate, please e-mail me at

    Many thanks.

  17. I have so very, very much <3 for these posters. Your cool, retro style is so much fun to look at!

  18. Hello there Mr. Tan,
    I came across your site recently and am thoroughly impressed, your illustrations are really fresh!
    I would like to post an article on my blog about your work and I'm wondering if you have any hi-res images. They don't have to be super big as long as they're 500px wide. Let me know if you're interested.

    Thank you for your time.

    Abe Vizcarra
    The Soul Creative

    p.s. glad to know San Diego is representing!

  19. Real beauties! I have to have one :)

  20. Your poster series with the dogs is great. To say that it's great & I love it would seem like an understatement. But, they're so good I wish I could show them on my own blog.

  21. Hi Eric,

    Can you point me in the right direction as to where I can purchase inexpensive copies of these posters? We want to re-do our son's bedroom using the Up theme, but unfortunately the only artwork we can find are $150 or more. :( We can't afford that at all. :P

  22. Alright Man whats up? Darren here from Ireland, your working is fucking bananas i love it! saw Up last week, its a stunning piece of work and your prints only add to the overall awesomeness of the film! your work is savage (Irish term)
    keep it UP!


  23. I will buy you the burrito of your dreams for one of those posters!
    Loves them talkin dawgs!

  24. Loved the movie and LOVE these posters. The art direction is great and the I love the vintage style. Fit perfectly with the film and its sentiment.
