Thursday, May 21, 2009

More UP!

Here's another poster from the Up series. This one features the villain in the film, Charles F. Muntz. The look and tone of the series all came from this one. It was the first one I started and it was the first to get approved. After you get one under your belt, the others fall into place a little more smoothly (knock on wood). I seriously can't wait to see the final film!


  1. Beautiful. Great sense of romanticized adventure.

  2. Dude, you're too good at what you do. Please, let me borrow some talent.

  3. Thanks guys! Although it's a lot smaller series than I did for the other Pixar flicks, Up was an extra special project for me because they gave me so much access to their development art and trusted me enough to go off on my own to develop the series. From beginning to end, it was an awesome working environment and an even better learning experience.

  4. Hey Eric,

    Love your work. I just saw that the new Up posters are on Acme and I got one for a friend. Oh how I wish my 2 Incredibles, 2 Wall*E, and the ComiCon Up Promo were signed :)

    Keep up the good work!

  5. I just saw your name on the credits for "Meet the Robinsons"!!
    That's pretty flippin' rad.

    And these UP posters are incredible!!

  6. Thanks Whitney!!! Adventure is out there! It was so cool to get a shout out from feature animation on the Robinson's stuff. I've always been inspired as a kid by everything they've produced so I'm humbled to get to work with these guys.

  7. 3
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