Friday, April 10, 2009

She Talks in Her Sleep

Of the three Indy films (I haven't watched the 4th yet), I've seen The Last Crusade the most times by far. I think it would have to be my favorite because the relationship between Indy and Henry Sr. is so damn hilarious. The film has all the awesome qualities that makes the series so great: ridiculous action sequences, exotic locales, unbelievable treasure, the vermin of choice, and a hot chick, but the bonus element in Crusade is the side-splitting banter between father and son. Their facial expressions alone are worth watching it over a few times. Especially Henry Sr.'s face when Indy finds out his father also slept with Dr. Schneider.

With the Crusade poster, I also tried to keep the series consistent with a lot of the same criteria I used in the 1st couple of posters. Among them include the limited color scheme, the big head at the top right, the chase scene on the bottom right, the logo down below, the filmed in color banner, and a background silhouette of one of the key settings. I wanted to play up the love connection between the Joneses and Elsa because it plays an important part of the plot so Indy and Elsa are almost equal in scale and you can also make a visual "triangle" between the three characters. Because it's my favorite on the Indy series of films, I really wanted to get as much as I could into this one. The story is dense and so is this poster in comparison to the previous two. I certainly hope you guys dig it!

This poster should be available soon from Acme Archives .


  1. I love this series of posters and you've inspired me. Well done!

  2. Great! Love the style in your posters!

  3. This is really ironic, I just saw the 4th movie for the first time last night... lol I thought it was good, but I still like the 3rd the most.

  4. Love it, I just wish I could afford to drop $150 on a print.

    I hope someday you'll be able to make these available for those of us who can't drop that kind of cash! :)

  5. Amazing again! I hope you like the fourth movie! Not everyone enjoyed the shift from 30s pulp to 50s pulp, but Indy ages well.

  6. Excellent, really excited about adding this piece to the other two. I hope you consider one for the fourth, or maybe even something along the lines of Fate of Atlantis if you're familiar with that. Eric, do you ever have to come to Orlando to do any work?

  7. Wonderful! I waited so long for and this one - and it doesn't disappoint... Thank you so much!

  8. Superb.
    So glad to have the third one.
    Don't worry if you don't want to do Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I'm sure no one will mind

  9. Truly Awesome! I will be purchasing it from Acme as soon as it's available. You really should see the 4th movie, I think it fits in well with the other three.

  10. absolutely amazing, as a Graphic Design student, you truly inspire and motivate me. Are all of these posters done in illustrator? Just curious. Thanks!

  11. Awesome job, Eric. Well worth the wait. I love especially that you kept such consistency with the titles and layout of each film poster. Hurry and see "Crystal Skull"; you'll like it, especially the opening of the movie. Can't wait/hope to see a final poster for that film so I can own the entire set. Flawless as usual!

  12. Awesome posters! Makes me wish that I had a talent.....

  13. Very nice, Eric! I really like this one.

  14. got lots of comments.

  15. This is great. One question, does this have an overall greenish tint to it, versus the yellowish/orangish tints on the first two?

  16. As always, Eric did a fantastic job on this piece! To answer the last question, yes, this piece does have a green tone to it. The first one had yellow and the second had brown.

    It should be available on the Acme site in early May!


  17. Really nice composition and balance to it. Great job Tanner. And I agree with you, the banter between Father and son is great in that film....may be my favorite part about it. I wish Mr. Connery would've agreed to show up in the 4th one....maybe he could've saved it.

  18. Fantastic... I've already loved the first two. A keen question: Is there a slightest chance that you put up higher-res versions of this one and the other two? Because these would make fantastic vintage style DVD-covers (which I love to create for fun).

  19. Thanks for all the kind words everyone! It's definitely a blast, as well as a lot of added pressure, when you try to do justice to something you grew up a HUGE fan of.

    Rick, unfortunately I rarely leave California for work. It would definitely be nice to get out to Orlando someday.

    Jeff, after I draw all the elements out with a blue pencil, they are then scanned and traced in Illustrator. The worn effects are later added in Photoshop.

    Ry, I haven't seen the 4th flick yet but all the negative comments I've heard about it really make me wanna see it now! I'll let you know how it goes ;)

  20. Eric, If you see the 4th movie and like/dislike it, will you do one more art poster or will you stop at the three originals? Great work overall! Phil

  21. Justice has been done, my friend. Well done! You have chosen...wisely.

  22. Hey Eric,

    I've been searching for your e-mail address but no luck. I love your style and wanted to hit you up to see if you'd be down with some poster illustration for me brand? I'll be out visiting my shop in Los Angeles on 7959 Melrose Ave, all of next week. Hit me up yo!

  23. i have to say this is pretty awesome!

  24. Student essay question.Can you help. How do you feel about the new artists taking from old artists. Do you think it is a brilliant idea for inspiration to take from old artists or are the artists of today becoming lazy or have a creative block of this generation.The pendulum effect of art and style repeating itself..Is it acceptable and inspiring or is it the new designers are not imaginable enough to become creative since so many hobbies are none creative interactive activities anyway.

  25. Hey JPC123,
    That is a great question that requires a long answer, but I'll try and keep it as short as possible. My answer to whether it's okay to be influenced and inspired by artists or movements from the past and use that style with new art would be yes as long as 1. It makes sense as far as context. 2. You inject some sort of your own viewpoint or style into it. 3. You give credit where credit is due to the artist who inspired you. I'll use my Ratatouille posters as an example. The rationale for the style was 'what kind of art would be hanging in an established French Restaurant?' I didn't just use Cassandre's style as a jumping point just because he's French and his stuff is awesome, it's because that's exactly what you see in these types of restaurants. When someone sees that style, that's exactly what pops into their head and it instantly brings them into that world. No other style out there would make sense with this project so in my opinion, it feels completely justified. I did add my own character style and design layout to the series and I credit Cassandre every time someone asks where I found inspiration for it.

    Your question about new artists being lazy is another story. I do see certain artists who rip off a style completely and use it in EVERYTHING they do. None of it is justified and it doesn't tie into what their trying to say. The only justification is that they like the style. That, to me, is being lazy. But as a whole, I would say the majority of artists I know are trying to make their own statement. We're in a weird time where everything is being regurgitated all at once. I see kids in the same group dressed like The Ramones, Kurt Cobain, Buddy Holly, 50 cent, and some new wave florescent & feathered hair band member all the time. EVERYTHING from the past is out there and in again and that would find its way into the art world as well. So no, i don't think their lazy if they do have direct ties to artists of the past. They're just trying to make what people nowadays want and are influenced by.

    Man that was a long answer anyways! I hope it helps you out.

  26. Thanks you very much. I will will quote you answer in my essay.

  27. Hi! Love your work. I'm the proud owner of the Beastie Intergalactic Airways poster! :)

    I was wondering if you were interested for an interview in my design magazine GizMag. Take a look at And let me know, so I can send you more info.

  28. Eric, I like the fact that you put the knight with the symbolic crusader Christian cross in the place where Henry Sr.’s physical heart is. All Indy fans know that Medieval (Middle Age) Studies was where Henry Sr.’s heart was most of the time. It's symbolic in itself. Good stuff. Phil

  29. aghhh. I am trying to find a print from the first movie. no luck on flea bay and acme doesn't have it listed. any suggestions?

  30. Awesome work. Love your stuff. Already have the first two, very much looking forward to picking up this one as well. Alas, due to my loathing of the 4th film (which is just a tragic mistep in my opinion), your print for that would need to get me to another level of Nirvana to buy it. Regardless I'm sure you'll make it pretty cool looking as well. Tell ACME to hurry up and get this 3rd print available on their site!

  31. Just bought your Temple of Doom poster at Acme's Memorial Day sale. Now I have to save up for Last Crusade and the set will be complete (because I also loathed the 4th one).

  32. Glad to see the Last Crusade print finally available--and getting it during the Memorial Day sale was a bonus! Just placed my order, and I can't wait to finally get these framed and on display. Thanks for your great work on this series!

  33. Thanks guys! I'm glad you're enjoying the art in the comfort of your homes. I always get a kick out of knowing that the hard work pays off and the stuff I do makes it's way to living rooms, bedrooms, and offices across the country. Even around the globe! I'm definitely a very fortunate artist.

  34. Awesome, Eric. PLEASE make a "kingdom of the crystal skull" one. Complete the saga. I already have wall space set for all 4!!

    Great again!!! Thanks.

  35. Just got the Last Crusade this week in the mail. It looks awesome. I agree that you should make the Crystal Skull, then we can all stop bugging you about it.

  36. This poster/print is in the latest comic previews-call your local comic shop to order, and probably get a decent discount to boot.

  37. Already ordered Last Crusade. Please get crackin' on Skull so we can have complete sets!

  38. This just arrived in the mail. Thanks, sir!

  39. Hey Eric, Did you see the 4th movie yet? If so, will you do one more art poster or will you stop at the three originals? We all are wondering. Thanks! Phil

  40. Eric, hope you enjoyed the 4th film. If not, at least the first 20 minutes and/or Jungle Chase. Maybe the perfect inspiration for the final poster. If you do it. PLEEEASE! I'm begging. My life will be complete when I see all four (maybe 5) together. Thanks again, hope you're well.

  41. Love it! I have this plus your Temple of Doom poster. They're beautiful! I'm really keen to get my hands on a Raiders Of The Lost Ark you did a while back, but they're all sold out. I don't suppose you have an A/P you could sell me, or have any idea of where I could look for a secondhand one? It'd be really cool to complete the set. Thanks - David

  42. 最近様々なメディアで紹介されている家出掲示板では、全国各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出少女のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性とすぐに遊びに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか

  43. オ○ニーライフのお手伝い、救援部でHな見せたがり女性からエロ写メ、ムービーをゲットしよう!近所の女の子なら実際に合ってHな事ができちゃうかも!?夏で開放的になっている女の子と遊んじゃおう

  44. メル友募集のあそび場「ラブフリー」はみんなの出逢いを応援する全国版の逆援助コミュニティーです!女の子と真剣にお付き合いしたい方も、複数の女性と戯れたい方も今すぐ無料登録からどうぞ

  45. 簡単にお小遣い稼ぎをしたい方必見、当サイト逆¥倶楽部では無料登録して女性の性の欲求に応えるだけのアルバイトです。初心者でもすぐに高収入の逆¥交際に興味をもたれた方はTOPページまでどうぞ。

  46. サイト作成は初めてでぇす。プロフは友達も作ってたので私も頑張って作成しました。プロフもってる人はメル友になって見せ合いっこしませんか?メアドのせてるので連絡ください。

  47. 男性が主役の素人ホストでは、女性の体を癒してあげるだけで高額な謝礼がもらえます。欲求不満な人妻や、男性と出逢いが無い女性が当サイトで男性を求めていらっしゃいます。興味のある方はTOPページからどうぞ

  48. あなたのSM度をかんたん診断、SM度チェッカーで隠された性癖をチェック!真面目なあの娘も夜はドS女王様、ツンデレなあの子も実はイジめて欲しい願望があるかも!?コンパや飲み会で盛り上がること間違いなしのおもしろツールでみんなと盛り上がろう

  49. 男性なら一人くらいは作ってみたいセフレですが、実は女性もいつでもSEXしたいときにできる友達がほしいと思っているのです。そのような彼女たちの欲求を満たしてあげませんか

  50. 女性向け風俗サイトで出張デリバリーホストをしてみませんか?時給2万円の高額アルバイトです。無料登録をしてあとは女性からの呼び出しを待つだけなので、お試し登録も歓迎です。興味をもたれた方は今すぐどうぞ。

  51. SM度チェッカーで隠された性癖をチェック!外見では分からない男女のSM指数をチェックして相性のいい相手を見つけ、SMプレイしてみよう!合コンや飲み会で盛り上がること間違いなしのおもしろツールをみんなとやってみよう

  52. 性欲のピークを迎えたセレブ熟女たちは、お金で男性を買うことが多いようです。当、熟女サークルでは全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からとなっております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください

  53. プロフ見た感想を携帯アドの方に送ってください。悪口は気が病むので止めておいて欲しいです

  54. ネットで恋人探しなら、グリーをおすすめします。ここからあなたの理想の恋愛関係がはじまります。純粋な出会いから、割り切ったエッチな出会いまで何でもあります。ミクシーから女の子が大量流入中!ココだけの話、今が狙い目です

  55. I just discovered your blog today and it's great!

  56. Hey Eric,

    Just added part three to my collection, thought you might like to see 'em in the wild:


  57. Arben, that looks great! Nice choice of framing and it's really the 1st time I've seen them all together like that. Thanks for the pic!
