Sunday, March 1, 2009

No Ticket!

Ok, this may not look like much at 1st glance, and it isn't, but this here's the beginning of a poster that I've gotten a ton of inquiries about. Yup, that'd be Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the 3rd in a series that I had no idea would even sell. I'm sure glad that the others went over pretty well and I thank all of you who have been waiting around for this one. Hopefully you'll dig it as much as the 1st two and the knowledge that the 3rd one is now on its way will keep the 'where the F is it?' e-mails at bay. The time line on this is a month or two because of prior obligations, but I'll be sure to post the progress as soon as I get into it.

Because it's in chicken scratch form, here's few of the details in the layout: HUGE Professor Henry Jones Sr., Indy galloping on horse, Elsa holding Grail diary, the Grail knight, the Grail tablet, the zeppelin, fighter planes, tanks, the Castle Brunwald, and a bunch of baddies. In the end, the poster composition and color scheme is very similar to the 1st two and should sit side by side with 'em quite nicely. Enjoy!


  1. Nice! I love that movie...can't wait to see the finish!

  2. That sketch is so frame-able. Love the big Henry Jones Sr.!

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Looking forward to completing my set!


    Did I happen to catch one of your UP posters in this picture? It feels like your style and it looks good :D

  4. Hi Stace! Yeah, it's the one I've definitely watched the most, so I can't wait to start sketching.

    Anders, thanks so much for enjoying the prints and collecting them all! I can't wait to complete my set either!

    And yup!, that Muntz poster on the bottom left is one of 6 that I created for Up. Acme already produced the 1st one as a print and hopefully, the other 5 follow.

  5. Is there anyplace to still get the first one/two. I want to get them but it won't work without the first poster

  6. Yay, this is great news! Can't wait to see the final product.

    Do you have a link to the Up print on Acme? I've been poking around their Pixar section, but don't see it.

  7. Thanks for the preview! I have the first two and have been (im)patiently waiting for the last one so I can get them all framed and displayed together. Can't wait!

  8. Anonymous--you can still get the second one at and Looks like the first is sold out at both places. Better track one down fast!

  9. It's no Handy Manny...But it'll do.

  10. Wow, I can't wait. I skipped TOD, but I can't imagine having two of the three...decisions decisions...

  11. Thanks, dylansdad. He is correct...the 2nd one is still available, but we flew through the first one! -Chris from Acme Archives

  12. Awesome!!! I can't wait. Once I get this one, I will frame them all!

  13. Hey...I love your work! I'm currently a USC student hoping to go into animation or fine arts. Is there any chance you would be willing to take on an intern?

  14. This is awesome, I've been checking for an update on this every week. The other 2 look amazing in frames on my wall. The next question is will there be a fourth?? I seriously think your artwork for it would be better than the movie.

  15. Thanks everyone!

    Chad,the Up print was a San Diego Comic-con exclusive I believe. It might be worth shooting Acme Archives an e-mail regarding availability.

    Hutch, since Handy Manny is cranked to 11, I have no idea if I can ever top it. That's all you baby!

    Alicia, the place I do work for does offer internships specializing in character art. Just leave contact info.

    Rick, not sure on the 4th one yet. I haven't seen it yet and there aren't very many positive comments I've heard about it, so we shall see. But with an open mind, I'll watch the flick and see if it sparks any inspiration.

  16. Thanks...please get in contact with me, I'd love to get an internship.

    email -
    phone - (707) 324-9400

  17. Nice drawing. I am still waiting for the final piece. Hopefully soon?

  18. Haha! Me too Dorota. Fortunately, I've gotten the ok to go ahead and finish this up. I'm inking Henry Jones Sr. this very moment.

  19. I've got the first two and can't wait for the third... and hopefully the forth.

  20. Really happy to see this is on the way.

    Can I start the queue for Crystal Skull so we can get a completed set out of you?

  21. hey tan man-

    you going to sdcc this year?

  22. Dear Mr. Tan,

    My name is Tralisa, it's nice to meet you! I hope this comment doesn't fall on to deaf ears, but I am clutching onto the smallest piece of hope that I will be able to take a few minutes of your time in an interview for a university assignment. I'm a graphic design student from Townsville, Australia, and I am a HUGE fan of your work! I am constantly inspired by it. I am currently researching leading designers in the industry, in particular with a focus on film (your work for Pixar Animation Studios is amazing!).

    My email address is If you have the time I will be more than happy to ask you a few questions when you are available to answer them.

    Thank you in advance,
    T. Jarvis.
