Sunday, July 13, 2008

ROB the Robot

Another year brings another I am 8-bit show. This time around, I chose to pay homage to the first game my brother and I ever played on the Nintendo system, Duck Hunt. Our system also came with ROB the robot and Gyromite. If you ever attempted to get that robot to work, you can see why we popped in Duck Hunt first. I remember that game being such a mindf@#* at the time cuz the gun actually worked when you aimed at the screen and shot. Them graphics also kicked Atari ass! We were in heaven! Almost immediately, all our grades dropped in school and we couldn't wait to be old enough to get our gun licenses. Thanks Nintendo! As you can see, I created a hunting trophy out of it with a dead duck head. I haven't sculpted anything in forever so it's taking me longer than expected to complete. The duck is still missing a few features like eyelids, that nostril band, some extra feathers, and of course, paint. I'm also using a new sculpting compound called MagicSculp which is a resin mixture that hardens in a few hours and is pretty damn strong. I like it a lot thus far. Much thanks to Mike 'The Bike' Eaton who used his mad woodshop skills to craft that duck foot plaque. Now, where'd I put my Tech 9? $10 says I can cap that Pabst Blue Ribbon can off the hood of that Chevy.


  1. I love your work. I would love to see some work commissioned for The Muppets.

  2. Thanks Muppet Wiki! Your compliment is much appreciated and i don't know if it's plain coincidence or not, but I'm working on a Muppet project as we speak. I'll hopefully get to post more about it in future months.

  3. great job as usual eric.

    you going to the con next week?

  4. So awesome, Eric! Great sculpt. I was the same way about duck hunt. I remember wanting to play another shoot 'em game but Nintendo only had Gumshoe, which was basically shooting a guy in the foot to make him jump over obstacles and get stuff. I always wanted them to make a war-type game with it or at least another shooting range game like duck hunt. I can't believe you had the robot too. I totally remember seeing it but I don't remember what it did. Was it like a game genie or something?

  5. Thanks guys! Last Crusade, I know, I know. I totally remember Gumshoe, Craig! ROB was used as a contoller addition. You would have to command him to pick up these spinning discs and drop them on these giant blue and red buttons to control what was on screen. Problem is, he took way too long to move those discs into place so you would die very quickly. Everyone I knew ended up throwing the robot aside and stomping those big buttons with their fists instead.

  6. Hey Eric - We need you to do our Stupidiotic posters! Look me up and then hook me

  7. That is the BEST dead duck EVER! Though not a hunter - I'd have a place of honor for that ducky on my wall. Wicked!

  8. Its look nice, you doing very nice job.
