Saturday, June 21, 2008


Check out Acme Archives for the Wall•e posters.

i09 posted a nice write up on the inspiration behind these pieces. Check it out! Just one clarification: I'm not technically a "Pixar artist." Not sure how that happened but if you can get by the title, you'll be fine.


  1. Hi!

    I'm a design student from India, I found your blog through this post on /Film-

    Your posters are really wonderful and very easy to fall in love with. I look forward to seeing many more such posters in the near future and hopefully by then, I'll be able to purchase a print!

    Keep it up!

    Rohit Iyer

  2. Thanks for the kind words Rohit! I know, those prints are quite pricey. Hopefully I'll get to market more of my own personal work and keep it a little more affordable. Believe me, I was a student too and I can remember seeing so many cool things that slipped through my fingers because of that crazy art school bill.

  3. Hey Eric. I would love to interview you about your work for We're a scifi blog and adore your stuff. I'm at

  4. Tanner...I know you are paying these people to say all this nice stuff. Don't lie.

  5. Thanks Annalee, Dorota, and Dan (your art is SICK!). All your payments for saying nice things about me are in the mail.

    No thanks to you Larry for not inviting me over the last time you cooked spicy lasagna! When are you cooking again?

  6. kick ass man.....i like the massacred rabbit.....crazy teenager imagination

  7. I love your work! I have five of the 6 Wall-E pieces framed on my wall, from the Comicon cards. I never knew who had done them before :)

  8. The Wall•e and Indy posters are just great. Love them. My favorite is your XMen poster. I see you sell prints through Acme and the Indy site. Is there any chance of purchasing the XMan as a print? Please let me know. Thank you.


  9. Awesome poster, man! Taking my 4 year-old to see it on Saturday. Can't wait!

  10. Wow, I'm blown away by your art, Eric. I am a poster artist myself, and have done some commissioned pieces in a similar retro style for Serenity and Battlestar Galactica, but your work is at the level I'm trying to achieve! I would love to get a chance to pick your brain at some point, if you'd be willing. My e-mail is adam [at] lexigeek [dot] com. Hope to talk to you soon!

  11. Thanks guys! I'm glad that the Wall•e stuff is going over so well. It's not hard to instantly be inspired and want to do a good job on these when you get to see how passionate the folks over at Pixar are about these films. They spend so much of their lives and put in a ton of hard work to create these classics that my goal is just to try to capture their excitement and not "F" it up completely :)

  12. Over the weekend, I bought a
    Wall-E poster that looks like your work (To me, anyway.)at a Disney Store. The slogan on it is "The new sensation in waste allocation" There's a picture of Wall-E on it, and the way the colors are used reminds me of your other work. But it's not one of the Acme Archive designs and it's not signed. Do you know which poster I'm talking about it and is it yours?

  13. Another incredibly tight poster. Love it. Your Wall-E work inspired me to rehash one of my old poster designs into this:

    Thanks for sharing your excellent work with us!


  14. Just found your blog, Eric and glad I did. You some really gorgeous artwork here.

    Looking forward to seeing more!

  15. Hey Bill, that's one of 'em. Background is a greyish blue right? There were 14 total. I guess they were split up and distributed through different retailers. Thanks for picking that up!

  16. Yeah, I think we're talking about the same poster. I saw it again today (Thursday) at another Disney store, but I haven't seen any of the other designs.
    This has been one of those weird bits of synchronicty to me: I bought "New Sensation;" saw your "Raiders" poster in an ad, then saw the article about you at, all in the past few days.

  17. Hey Eric -

    See the last comment under your "Cue John Williams" post.

    If you can contact me by June 30th, I will bring my print out with me.

    Thanx. Hans

  18. your stuff is awesome! Love those Indy posters!!!

  19. Awesome work!

    I'd be interested in knowing which fonts you used for these posters, specifically the one for MO.

    Or is that all hand-drawn typography?

  20. These are really great posters for a really great movie. For limited run, the prices seem quite acceptable, but I just have a really tough time paying that much for ink jet prints. ;0)

    Any chance of a non-limited/non-signed run at a lower price?

  21. Really beautiful work, Eric!!

  22. Hey eric.

    I find your art extraordinarily inspirational. So i've decided to buy a print!

    However, after viewing shots of the posters hanging up in Pixar's lobby I noticed I cant find a print of the one I want for sale.

    Will the poster circled here ever be for sale?

    Please get back to me if you can!

  23. Hi... I'm ashamed that only now I discovered your blog via Chris Sanders link page... but I'm quite glad that I find your blog, its amazing and inspiring at the same time, thats what I love about blogs, to know the work... and to know a little about the artist himself... how curious, how we idolized you guys... and find out that you are humans after all... sounds dumb, but for me is the truth...

    I'll be watching your blog for now on, and I hope that someday I can be at the level of your work!

    By the way... thanks for sharing it with all!

  24. i love your artwork do you make desktop wallpapers?

  25. Just came back from Pixar....., how does it feel to have your work hanging in the middle of their headquarters ? Great work as always.


  26. Thanks for all the compliments guys! I've been juggling a few projects at once so I haven't replied or posted in quite a while.

    Hans - I've been traveling a lot lately but It looks like I'll finally get time to take a break and sign during comic-con. I'll post more info as it gets closer.

    Jonathan - The M.O. title was hand done and I believe the body copy is an extended Akzidenz Grotesk.

    Anonymous 1 &2 - I believe has a couple of different, unlimited Wall•e prints for sale. Haven't made wallpapers yet.

    TopToons/Eddie - Thanks man! It's definitely a surreal feeling to see the artwork up there. I'm always critical of my own work, but when something like this happens, I can at least get some sense that I got it right this time. Problem is, that feeling of accomplishment doesn't last very long cuz I usually see the atrium for the first time during my visit to present the stuff I'm working on for the next film to the director and creative leads. I'm pretty much a nervous wreck that entire day!

  27. Your art is fantastic!

    You might not know this (since you said your designs were sent to several distributors), but I'm looking for the yellow EVE poster pictured here in the atrium.

    It's not at Acme or Disney Store.

  28. Wall-E totally looks like the robot from "Short Circuit"... minus the cheesy 80's style of course

  29. Thanks Abigail! Unfortunately I haven't seen my two favorite pieces from that Wall-e series, the Eve one you pointed out and another one of Wall-e holding a trash cube with the cube stacks in the background, for sale yet. Goes to show you how my opinion doesn't really count when it comes to retail ;) I'll let you know if they do eventually release them.

  30. seriously, man I NEED those posters on my wall, they are so awesome.

    I'm glad you understand the dilemma that occurs when someone wants something awesome but can't afford it. You also seem like a cool guy just on the principle that you reply to every comment that gets posted.

    Best of luck in the future, hope to have as much of your art on my walls as i can afford.

  31. Fab Stuff, dude! Love your style and concepts. Keep it up!

  32. Hi Eric,

    I've been so impressed with your WALL-E work that when I saw them I had to buy one of them!

    One thing though, I cannot find the other poster with WALL-E (from your previous pic when sitting at Pixar hall, the first one on the left), do you know where I can get an hand of it? ;)

    All the best.

  33. I love these. WALL-E blew my mind, and your posters are beautiful.

  34. Love the "Asleep in the Rain" poster. In fact, I love it so much I want to laser etch it to my next MacBook Pro? Is that okay?

  35. Hello there!

    I absolutely adore your artwork, and wondered if I could use some of it as inspiration for pieces I have to do for my art coursework? The art doesn't get published or anything, so I don't make money off of it.
    As a part of my course I have to produce several sheets of research on my chosen artist (guh) but you don't appear to have any info anywhere, so I thought I should contact you... Have you got any interviews anywhere I could read, or would it be easier for me to conduct my own?

    My e-mail is

    I appreciate that you may be busy, so no worries if you haven't got the time... or even if you don't want to go through with this. I should be able to find another artist somewhere, but I really love your work... especially your Pixar posters, they are quite simply breathtaking.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    All the best,

    Leigh H.

  36. I'm so in love with this poster. :)

    Retro posters make me so happy and the fact that you emulated that style perfectly just makes my day. :D
