Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stan the Man

I tend to hibernate in the fall, hence the no posting for a long ass time. But I finally snapped out of it and I'm now working on a piece based on my favorite super-heroes, the X-men. What's not to like about them? Outcasts, kinda weird lookin', crazy effing powers!! They're like the rock stars of the comic book universe. What really intrigued me about them is that they all live in that mansion. Not to be all pervy, but imagine the crazy mutant sex stories that those walls could tell. Anyways, I've always dug those UFA German cinema posters, especially the Metropolis ones. Using them as inspiration, I sketched up a little comp on a napkin. They're all gonna be sporting their retro uniforms and it's gonna be like 3 colors max. I've cheated it a bit by including Wolverine and Storm. They came later in the series, but I like 'em and it's probably my one and only shot at working on the X-men so what the heck, right? Don't I sound just like a fanboy? The piece is due in a week so I'll be sure and post the final soon. Go Chargers!


  1. E.T.-Glad you came out of hibernation.....welcome back. So I guess we can expect another post in the next week of the finished piece? I hope so.

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  3. Hey E-

    Happy Holidays.

    This is going to be awesome. I'd like to snag one from you if possible.

    are you going to be at the game on christmas eve? Kristin and I just got our tickets.

    Go Broncos.

  4. Can you post a Hi-res version?

    I'd wipe a country off the map for this poster.

  5. Eric,

    Just found your blog... I love your work! I, too, love German posters from the 1920's... I can't get enough of them. Can you share anymore info on the X-Men poster commission or if a print will ever be for sale?
