Friday, October 12, 2007

Breakfast is Served!

I finally finished my box for the Cereal Killers book. Fortunately, I found doggie treats that looked just like the cereal I had in mind. They even came in those funky colors that I had going in the rest of the design. We did a whole heck of a lot of food packaging projects when I was in art school but I never got to work on one since. Can't believe it took this long...and it's kind of a fake one. Why the hell did they make me take sooooo many food packaging classes?!?! Just kidding. They were fun and I'm sure that knowledge will kick in once I get to work on my dream project which is to design beer packaging! Speaking of beer, I think I'm gonna go get s#!+faced! Cheers!


  1. that looks awesome E.

    i love the drawing.

    and the cereal looks yummy.

  2. that turn out great....i like the price sticker...that's agood touch.......where can you get those dog food...that looks good!! i bet it taste good with beer

  3. That is some marrow-flavored goodness!
    Turned out great!

  4. Nice addition to the book, man. I can't wait to get my copy. I dig the discounted pricetag on the box. Nice touch.

  5. last week i was in new york city sitting to dinner in a fancy restaurant and item number one on the menu was "roasted marrow."
    i feel i've come a long way from my roots as a hunter-gatherer and haven't had to eat marrow in a long time (at least 10, 000 years).

    i think this whole spooky cereal box idea is pretty lame but like what you have done here. your work, as always is top-notch.

    I want to see you do your own book. maybe interpretative images based on actual fancy restaurant menus. that would be scary.

  6. Thanks for the kind words dudes! Quinn, I'm totally taking your idea and running with it. It's GOLD!!!

  7. Great job!! I like the small head for the "O":)

  8. Fantastic!!!

    Love your work, especially the wall-e cards.

    great stuff all throughout the blog..


  9. Thats Awesome Eric, I love the price sticker, looks like the item has been on a clearance rack for a while, a great place for food...yum. can't wait to see the marrow munchies.

  10. HI.
    Is a very good work!
    I only see a error, or not.
    The character jumping, dont have the hands with the big finger in the same side?
    I see bad?
    Anyway, great work.
