Sunday, July 15, 2007

That's Incredible!

Here's a series of posters I created as a tribute to my favorite tv show growing up - That's Incredible! What's not to like? Unbelievable human feats, mind-bending oddities, rubik's cube-solving f-ers, and the amazing team of John Davidson, Kathie Lee Crosby, and Fran Tarkenton? Vikings QB Fran f-ing Tarkenton??? Without the uni, he looked like a regular dude. But damn was he a gamer! Anyways, For the past 2 Pixar films and 2008's Wall•e, I've gotten the fortunate opportunity to design poster series' for use on products such as apparel, trading cards, giclee prints, etc. Hopefully, they let me continue this with their future films. They are definitely a challenge from concept to completion. They're also the most fun I've ever had at work. The first series was for The Incredibles, my favorite Pixar film. Here's a few of them. Hope you dig 'em!


  1. Those are awesome.

    i see a little mignola in them.

    and we all know, mignola is god.

    very sweet.

  2. Mindblowin... Does Vanilla still have fans? Now, that's Incredible!

  3. The ICEMAN lives on forever in our hearts.

    To the extreme baby.

    word to your mutha.

  4. Very good designs Eric, I hope we'll get to work on more posters together when I'm over.
    Your Wall-E ones are superb too.

  5. Thanks Dan, Stef & Will! Glad you enjoyed them. I'll try to post the rest of the series soon.

  6. hey E, you going to sdcc?

    haven't talked to you in a loooooooooooooooong time.

  7. These are great as always, Eric!

  8. Thanks for stopping by Chantel! You're too kind!!

  9. I've check the blogs for awhile, and look at what I missed. These are incredible, T! BTW, that rubic's cube guy was in my highschool chemistry class.

  10. aMPaeP Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

  11. QI4nrk Wonderful blog.

  12. Please write anything else!

  13. Please write anything else!

  14. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  15. Please write anything else!

  16. I agree, those disneyland posters are awesome! And you did an awesome job with these!

  17. These are amazing - are there prints available of them anywhere?

  18. Could the women maybe do something besides cleaning and babysitting? I'm just asking.

  19. Just discovered yr site. Amazing designs. You should try yr hand on Ariel and her sisters.
