Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer Catch

With the summer months come sunshine, warm weather, and most importantly - vacations. My most memorable summer vacations involved waking up at the crack of dawn and heading down to the lake for a relaxing full day of fishing with dad. I think i was about 5 or 6 at the time. Rarely did I ever catch anything but it was fun nonetheless. While lazily drifting down the lake, dad would give me wonderful talks about current events, his own chilhood adventures, and how chicks are a pain in the ass. Once I grew older and got bored and frustrated with never catching anything, those fishing trips became a thing of the past. In its place came video games and underage drinking. Now that I'm older, I do think about them often. Everything just seemed so innocent and easy back then. Now I bust my hump everyday fighting traffic, paying bills, and taking all kinds of crap from chicks. Here's a pic of me and my old man during happier times.


  1. Nice legs, T. Can I get arrested for saying that?

  2. Thanks Larry! I was much more of a stud back then. Time has not been good to me. Now, I only get hit on by older divorced chicks with lots of kids and drugs in their purse.

  3. is that a hat on the fish?

  4. ET! Good story. I would often wake up early and go fishing with my Dad as well, so I can certainly appreciate the story. Yes, things WERE simpler then. No cell phones, no internet,....everything just moved a little slower then. I love the comments about the chicks too. Yes, they are a pain in the ass....but once in a while, they're worth it.

  5. I recognize you, you're the one with the scales and the tennis ball in your mouth. But who's the chubby little cherub?
