Monday, April 16, 2007

Who likes video games?!?!?!

Rich and I will be part of iam8bit group show this tuesday at Gallery 1988. We were able to see a bunch of the pieces on saturday and there's a lot of amazing stuff. And most importantly, there will be beer there!!!! Not just any old beer, FREE beer!!!! See you there!


  1. Love the design, Tanner! Good luck!

  2. Thanks Hutch! Did I mention FREE beer????

  3. Any chance that they'll be serving beer?

  4. Beer!! Where have you been my whole life??? Let's hang dude! We have a lot of catching up to do. I'll put a frosty mug in the freezer....maybe a frosty bucket. Cheers!

  5. Didn't make it to the openning. But I went on the weekend. Beer all gone. Good job, Mr T. And that's without the beer.

  6. Thanks Jeff! Thanks Larry! Glad you got to see the show. Who does that Rich Tuzon character think he is taking up all that wall space? Them Tuzons are crazy guys! I think that other one has a kick-ass food review blog. That guy knows what he's talking about!!! Thanks to his blog, I've gained 20 lbs the right way!!!

  7. Rich told me the great news about this piece. Congrats Tan, you talented bastaud!!

  8. Thanks Nic! It almost makes up for my ridiculous idea of painting all of them crazy pixels. I don't recommend it to anyone.
