Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not as easy as riding a bike.

I'm slowly starting to finish a couple of paintings for gallery shows this month. One is the 8-bit show at Gallery 1988 in Hollywood and the other is for an A.P.E. related show at 1988's new gallery up in San Francisco (these 2 are for that show). It's been kind of a weird/ frustrating/ insomnia-inducing experience for me. But it's also been some of the most fun I've ever had! My last painting before doing these is dated 1996 (You can visibly see the rust!). Back then, I painted a lot. Graphic design & college then took over and so did the computer. Now I might sketch out a poster idea or a character but before I know it, I'm on that crazy computer again. The thought of painting again was as scary as jumping outta a plane. Didn't know how much I missed it til my coworker Rich convinced me to grab a brush and jump. Thanks for the push dude!


  1. One of the many things I love about your work, Tan, is the storytelling in the background. So many layers of interesting and fun shapes. Scary to think how good you're going to be if you keep this painting thing going.

  2. Same goes for me, what Eric H said. But dude, I didn't know you can paint! Come to think of it, aside form your silk screens, I never seen any of your work before. Rich always take 'em down when I visit the studio. Anyway. Good job, T.

  3. geronimo!!!! we'll die together. Before you know it, you'll be losing your hair, what little you have will turn gray, you'll have baggy red eyes, a hunch on your back, and of course develop carpal tunnel. But don't worry, you'll have stuff for your blog.

    I love that second painting. You're getting more and more facile with each project.

  4. Such talent. Can't wait to see more, Tan.

  5. Thanks everyone! Glad you like 'em.
    Hutch-a blog! finally!! Got my wine recommendations coming.
    Larry- Rich is one sneaky scoundrel!
    Rich- You are a sneaky scoundrel!
    Nic- Thanks for waking up for a split second to comment! You're too nice!

  6. I'm so glad that I had the chance to see these beauties in person. I love your sense of design and storytelling. There's no "rust" here. This work flows.
    Contrary to your blog title, there is no "lack thereof" in any art produced by Eric Tan. Keep 'em coming, Buddy, you're one hell of an artist.

  7. Glad you're on board. Your stuff is consistently amazing Eric. And I love what Rich said....
    Keep the posts comin'...

  8. i agree with all the comments above...except for eric, larry, rich, nic, vince and ryan....hahaaaa

    nice work man

  9. So what do you guys do? Like draw or something? That's cute, I guess. Do you, like, color too?
