Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No TIme for Love Dr. Jones!

Here's my initial sketch for Temple of Doom. Of the 1st 3 films, it's the one I've seen the least so I had to go back and watch it a bunch of times as a refresher. As a kid, I remembered it as being my least favorite of the series, but It's pretty kick-ass when you're older and haven't seen it for a while. So much is packed into it. At times, it might feel a bit segmented and even rushed once the action gets going in the mines, but it's still better than 98% of the films they make nowadays. Them 80's were a glorious time! Thanks for joining me in "Tanner at the Movies." Steer clear of that popcorn "butter" dispenser. That stuff ain't made from nature.



Nice! I didn't realize you were doing the whole series. I totally agree with your opinion of the movie...I liked it the least of the three, but it's still a great movie.
Can't wait to see how you treat Short Round. Are you leaving the girl out of this one? I can't even think of her character's name. Maybe that's why you left her out? Looking forward to seeing the final, and yes, the 80's rock!

richtuzon said...

For the movie you like the least, I think I like this poster the most so far. And where is shortround. You might have a career in art Mr. Tanner man.

I also agree with your assesment of the films.

Tanner said...

Thanks guys! Maybe it's because the drawing is so bad, but that's Short Round on the right and Willie on the left. And if you look REALLY closely, the mine car wraps around Indy. Thanks for the input dudes & I'll make sure they read clearly on the final.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that I've seen ToD more than the rest, it's prolly my favorite of the 3. "You call him Dr. Jones doll!"

I love the composition of this poster and can't wait to see the final art.

richtuzon: Shortround is in there, take a closer look.

Craig Mackay said...

Awesome, Eric! Can't wait to see the final! I always loved how 80's Kate Capshaw's hair looked in Temple of Doom!
Dude, when I was a kid, I was scared to death of Mola Ram.

That whole" Oh-num-shih-dai Shock-did-eh!!
[rips heart out]
thump, thump...thump, thump...

Still gives me the willies!

Tim Han said...

when you're making these amazing posters, how do u go from detailed sketch to such simple images. Do you scan your sketches in Illustrator and work from there? I just want to learn your processes, I'm an aspiring graphic designer.


Dorota said...

Nice!!! Can't wait to see the finished piece.

Tanner said...

Thanks Craig & Dorota! You guys need to teach me how to paint.

Tim, the sketch I posted is basically to get the balance and scale of everything down. I then sketch out each individual element tighter, scan it in, and then vectorize it and reconstruct the poster in Illustrator. All the textures and gradients are added in Photoshop after. Sounds like a lengthy process, but I find it way faster and a LOT more forgiving than when I paint something with acrylics.

Unknown said...

Great! I just get my Raiders of the Lost Ark print in the mail today, and now I realize that you're doing the whole series!!! Oh well, there goes another $450 so that I'll be able to complete the series! Any timeframe for finishing the others?

Anonymous said...

When can I pick up my free print?

Dorota said...

You already know how to paint. Your sense of color is excellent!!!!

The Adventures of MYK JONES said...

Oh man brother i'm picturing all 5 movie prints on my wall as we speak!! Keep'em coming! Can't wait for these to go up for sale.

Thierry Cattant said...

Awesome stuff