Thursday, December 29, 2011

Long Live the King

Being creatively inspired and motivated each day is one of the greatest things about working in the same environment with other artists . I'm lucky enough to work with people who love collaborating and energizing the rest of the group by initiating fun personal projects that are a nice break from our daily duties.

Eric Hutchison, a fellow artist at Disney came up with a cool idea to create our own stylized piece based on one of Disney's famous villains. These interpretive pieces would eventually go into a hallway gallery on campus which showcased each artists' take on a familiar foe. I chose Scar from The Lion King.

Since I LOVE combining imagery and typography, you can probably guess what I chose to do. That's right, another movie poster (yawn!). My take on The Lion King is from Scar's standpoint, as the one who will do anything to be king. Therefore the tone is a lot darker as Scar's presence looms over the kingdom.

A project like this, which really has no limitations and reflects our own personal style is always exciting. Seeing where the other artists took their chosen villain was really inspirational. Although we all work in the same office on a lot of the same projects, we definitely keep our own individual aesthetic and personalities going. Hopefully we get to do more of these in the future.


  1. Wow....Is this going to be for sale somewhere?

  2. This is just awesome!!
    I love Scar and your execution really reflects who he is.
    Love how Zazu is flying in :)
    Very inspirational!
    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Great Work! You've out done yourself. Hopefully this will get a print release.

  4. Thanks for stopping by and leaving the awesome compliments everyone! I'm glad I could share this one.

    No plans as of yet to release this as a print, but they seem to eventually find their way to stores. I'll keep you posted and will try my best to get this through to print.

  5. Nice Tanner! This was definitely a welcome addition to the collection. Maybe someday all of these will get used, eh? Thanks also for the blog inspiration, buddy.

  6. That just BLOWS my socks off. Outstanding work and graphic elements you have here. I like how the shadow of Simba shows him as an adult.

  7. Wow. I love it. Please let this be released as a print!!

  8. Thanks for the awesome compliments everyone. The possibility of this being released as a print is in the works so hold tight. I'll keep you posted if it comes to fruition.

  9. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this. I can't believe it took me this long to even know such a image existed. TLK has been my favorite movie ever since it originally came out. Even though I'm an adult now, that hasn't changed my love for this masterpiece of a film.

    Please please please have this made into a print soon. Don't make it exclusive either, give everyone a chance to own such a treasured piece. It would kill me if it was only available at a gallery that you had to live close by for a limited run of 100. Ebay flippers would have a field day with this one.

    Congrats on your career at Disney by the way. Envious for sure but proud for you.

    Don't forget to update us over at when this does get some release info. Personally I rather buy and thank you in person since I do live in the Disneyland area.

    You nailed it Eric.

  10. Any kind of update on this one? Patiently waiting for some news and hoping it's good.

  11. Hey statik, hopefully Acme Archives will get to print it soon. I believe they're in the process of getting it cleared for usage & I'll keep you posted.

  12. Hi again Eric.

    Any updates on this release? Hoping it's not dropped at Comic Con.

  13. Hey statik thanks for checking back, yes i believe it will be at the Acme booth this year. But hopefully it'll show up on their website too

  14. I love this! Scar is my favorite character besides Pongo.
    I was wondering if there is anyway to still get prints of this? I can't find it anywhere! :/

  15. Hi Marie, sorry for the late response, but you can still find the prints here:
