Monday, June 13, 2011

The Last Cars Post (I Swear)

I never ever thought the Cars 2 campaign would get around as much as it has. Friends have been e-mailing me about different places where they've seen them. It made me want to gather as many photos as I can of them out in public. For me, stuff like this doesn't happen very often so I definitely would like to create a personal photo archive to capture this experience.

This is where you guys can help. And I'm willing to part with a few of my Cars 2 mini-posters (I have 2 each of the 4 different international cities) for the effort. All I'd really need is a shot of any of the 4 posters you see above, anywhere you find them in public (Just like the one of above, I'm that little dot). Only one photo per person/e-mail address will be accepted & I'll count only the entries received before 12PM Pacific Standard Time on July 30th, 2011. The 8 winners will be drawn at random and all photos I receive will strictly be used for my personal archive and/or blog. All winners will be notified via e-mail.

Send jpegs to, along with your first name and the location where it was shot. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! Thanks in advance for the help!


  1. Wow!! I'd be so proud, I'd be driving by ALL the time :D Congrats again!!!

  2. If I send you a photo of me in Paris wrapped around a trash can in front of one of your posters, do I win something?

  3. Now I'm even more disappointed that I haven't seen them at all in my area.

  4. I'm absolutely fan of your work,... I cant wait until the next one... Cheers from Venezuela!

  5. Darn! I just saw your posters somewhere a few days ago and thought about snapping a photo but I was in a rush and now I can't remember where I saw them! But now I'll be on the lookout for sure :)
