Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Even More Cars!!!

Two more Cars 2 posters were launched online the other day. The 'spy' poster, which probably has the most elements of the series, was the quickest one to complete. That's the complete opposite of how things usually go but it was the last I completed of the series and by that time I felt I had a better handle on the characters and the painting technique. It's inspiration came from looking at Bob Peak and Robert McGinnis posters. They had such a great style and design aesthetic to everything they did.

The London poster, like the Japan race poster in a previous post, are my favorites of the series. I tend to gravitate toward simple, bold graphics or the 'less is more' mantra of design. I also like the look of red on a white background too!

In the end, there were 11 posters we worked on in the series and it was definitely the most challenging yet because of the multiple characters, settings, and genres. The various paint styles were also something I had to really push myself to learn. Continuing to grow and progress is always a good thing and I'm very fortunate to be asked to work on as cool a project as this was. I already can't wait for the next one!


  1. I love what you did with the Union Jack!

  2. This series of posters are absolutely wonderful... Always inspired by your work!

  3. I'm with dylansdad, the union jack detail is clever and a great idea. Love all the posters! Congrats! :)

  4. wayetIs there a way to order these as prints? Would love to put the London one up in my office and send a copy to my team in London.

  5. Thanks for the compliments DD, Patrick, and Rafael! With the Union Jack, I was trying to represent the nation without hitting you over the head with something so obvious. I'm glad you guys were able to read it right away.

    Bnasty, hopefully these will be offered by Acme Archives once the film is released. They handled the printing for all of the other Disney and Pixar properties I've worked on so hopefully, the same goes for these.

  6. Very awesome posters. I have never seen Cars, something about Nascar and Larry the Cable guy that rub me the wrong way, but these posters have me second guessing myself.

  7. The first one reminds me of Great Mouse Detective. :D Great work!

  8. Love the London poster. Very striking!

  9. Hey, Eric--looks like Yahoo! loves your posters, too! :)

  10. Eric, you're posters are in The Best category! Woooot!(though we all knew that already)


  11. Eric i would love to know how to buy a print of these posters.. for cars 2 for my sons room.. i'm a huge gp fan i love the japan and londan and the porto corso with the buliding in the background.
