Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sorry for the massive delay between posts. I haven't visited my own blog in so long that I forgot the password. My own blog kicked me off! The good thing is, The delay has everything to do with being hard at work on a number of cool film-related projects that you'll start to see here very soon.

I'm a HUGE fan of films that have a very 80's feel to them. I just have a thing for crazy 'full-can-of-hairspray' hairdos, super-tight acid-washed jeans, blinding neon checker patterns, and soundtracks featuring Huey Lewis and the News. 'Return of the Living Dead' is a horror pic that fits perfectly into that 80's aesthetic, minus Huey Lewis. It actually feels more like a comedy sometimes which is why I probably like it even more. If you're looking for an entertaining, laugh-your-ass-off zombie film that wreaks of the 80's, definitely check this little doozy out.

Here's a poster for 'ROTLD' that I did for Mondo in which I tried my best to channel loud 80's rock gig posters. It's available in both regular and glow-in-the-dark versions. Check 'em out here!


  1. Hey, congratulations on the double sellout today!

  2. Thanks for the compliments guys! And a HUGE 'Thank You!!' to everyone who stopped by Mondo to purchase a print. I've been doing this poster thing for a while now but it still always amazes me that I have the opportunity to get these out to fans of the work. There's something very gratifying about seeing the pics people send to me of the posters hanging up in their living rooms or offices. I'll definitely keep cranking out the art as fast as I can & thanks again for the support!

  3. Love the hands, Eric! Great job, once again!

  4. Thanks for the comment Eric! And cool poster!!

  5. You've been busy--those Tron posters turned out great!!

  6. I'm a fan of any blog entry that mentions Huey Lewis. Great work Tan. Don't make us wait 5 months for a blog post dude! I expect that from Hutch and Tuzon, but not you! : )
