Sunday, July 11, 2010

Remixing the Magic

Here's something you may remember from a past post that's now available as a print, both on paper and on stretched canvas. Originally, my Sleeping Beauty poster was created for the "Disney's Art of Princess" book which came out last year. Although my daily duties as a designer have everything to do with boy's driven properties like Cars and Toy Story, I was stoked to get to work on something like this. Growing up on a steady diet of classic Disney animation will tend to do that to you. I definitely have fond memories of films like Peter Pan, Snow White, Jungle Book, and all the rest of them. Sleeping Beauty struck me as a kid, not so much for the story per se, but because I dug the design and look of the film, especially Maleficent - as a human and as a dragon, the castle, and all the amazing backgrounds. Eyvind Earle is a mad genius and it really stands out as one of the most beautiful animated films to look at. I hope you dig my tribute to this artistic classic! You can check out the print info at Acme Archives.


  1. Awesome! Eric, is there any chance of your Little Mermaid piece coming out as a print? My wife would LOVE it!

  2. Excellent!. One of my fav Disney movies ever.

  3. A great tribute Tanner....all it needs is a flying DeLorean!

  4. I really liked this. If there ever was a Criterion Collection of Sleeping Beauty, this should be the cover :)

    In general I really loved the book. I thought it was showed of the 'new' direction of Disney. I mean this book would never have been published a couple of years ago.

  5. This was one of the reasons I bought this book :) Where can I get a print of this? I LOVE IT!

  6. I am a graphic designer in the marketing department at a university in Utah. I really like the style of your Lost and Indiana Jones posters. Can you tell me about your process in creating those. I saw the sketches you posted, but how do you put it together after that. Do you scan it in and work directly out of illustrator? Are you outlining it on a tablet? Is it all done with the pen tool? How long does it all take?

    Any insights you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Thanks for digging the poster and checking out the book guys!

    Matt, I'll definitely recommend it to Acme to put out the Mermaid piece as well.

    Ry, I couldn't agree more!

    Soulglo, every poster starts with a quick composition sketch to figure out placement of the characters and the type. Once I'm happy with it, I'll draw each element (charcaters, vehicles, backgrounds) separately as a tight pencil. Those are then scanned and placed in Illustrator where I trace everything with a pen tool. After each element has been vectorized, I'll compose it in Illustrator and add all the typography. The textures and gradients are then added in Photoshop. It takes me on average - and it depends on how many elements are in the poster - about 2 to 3 weeks to complete each poster. I hope that helps!

  8. Eric, it was s privilage to meet you at Comic Con last weekend! I will treasure my copy of this print. My entire family was thrilled when I showed it to them with your signature and fairy doodle on it. I can't wait to hang it in a place of honor in our home. Thank you!!!!!

  9. Thanks FrayAdjacent! It was a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for all of the support. I'm glad you were also able to get the Lost print and I'm honored that Sleeping Beauty will be up in your home.

  10. Excellent work! I just recently bought the book and was happy to see that these were in them :)! Beautiful work!

  11. I just found your blog looking around at San Diego area blogs. On this poster - Your Sleeping Beauty's hair is really visually grabbing, how it flames upward. Very impressive. I love it. I also grew up on a steady diet of Disney animation adventures.

  12. Hey! We loved these so much that we posted them on our blog at Check out the link:
