Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome to the Terrordome!

UPDATE: The Tyson/Douglas print can now be purchased here.

Okay, if you've been following my blog for a while, you may remember a Mike Tyson something-or-another post I made about a year ago. Well, here's where that project ended up. And no, I hadn't exactly worked on it nonstop for that entire year. This, my friends, is a case of what they call 'procrastination'. While I did have plenty of other projects in that time span, I really am worthless without a deadline, and so I always screw myself and wait til the very last minute to turn it in. I seriously need to take a time management course or something.

If you follow boxing, or sports in general, you're well aware of the shocker that took place in the heavyweight division 20 years ago. 'Iron' Mike Tyson was as close to a sure bet as we had ever seen in the ring. He was an undefeated and indestructible superhero who would annihilate everyone who stood in his path. NO ONE gave his opponent, James 'Buster' Douglas an ounce of hope that fateful night in Tokyo. When something impossible happens in front of your eyes, it's something you'll remember forever. Mike Tyson's defeat changed not only the landscape of the division, but the rest of his life as well. That's why I decided to capture this historic event for my contribution to Gallery1988's 'The Greatest Moment in Sports' show which starts March 4th - 26th.

The 'Manga' look was influenced by the fight taking place in Tokyo. I was definitely inspired by video games like 'Street Fighter' when it came to the action. I highlighted their trademark moves (a la Ryu's Fireball or Guile's Sonic Boom) with Tyson's uppercut and Douglas' jab. All the Kanji was written by my coworker, Chisato. I believe the upper left says 'Final Battle', the stamp on the upper right says 'Iron', and the red headline type says 'War'. She does have a sense of humor and knows I can't read or write a word in Japanese, so I wouldn't be surprised if she screwed me on the translations. Oh well.

Like the Battlecat poster I finished last month, this really is a departure for me from a style standpoint. Lots of inking and a ton of mistakes made this a lot more time-consuming but a whole lot more fun too. Anything new is always a challenge and I'm never sure how it'll turn out in the end, but I hope you like it.

The poster itself is a 3-color silkscreen printed by the fine folks at D&L Screenprinting. It's pretty damn HUGE at 24" by 36" and there's 100 of them that are signed and numbered. I'll post prices as soon as that's figured out.


  1. I like the style of these last two pieces.

  2. Will be picking this up hopefully to add to my Eric Tan wall collection.

    I really hope you do some movie prints. I think you could make some killer movie prints like your Warriors print. Cheers!

  3. Thanks guys!

    DylansDad, It's quite a relief to know I can try out different styles and still come through. This is good, cuz my a.d.d. will probably mean I'll keep changing it up every now and then.

    Chaseter, it's quite an honor to know you've started to collect my work. And I definitely will have more movie posters for you down the road.

  4. Nice Tanner. Do you want me to go ahead and reserve some retail space outside of the Goldilocks in Eagle Rock plaza? I think after the Lost print, we can afford to expand past the trunk of my car.

  5. supercool print and overall site. great idea. what an epic fight and depiction. i cant wait to order one of these!

  6. Thanks Linda, Mark and Clayton!

    Mark, Can you make the space a little more equidistant to Jollibee and Chowking?? Just so I can leave the shop and keep an eye on everything while I get my eat on! Btw, forget the posters, how much will you sell me that profile pic of yours? The Lightning McGabriel!!

  7. Went to the opening night at Gallery 1988, had planned on getting the Shark Toof "Kobe Bryant Thriller" and Olly Moss "Master Race," then I saw your amazing print. I was like a deer in the headlights when I was looking at your print. I may have to eat Top Ramen for a few weeks but couldn't leave the show without your print in hand. It looks even better in person, my first of yours but certainly not my last. Thanks and know your work is appreciated.

  8. Thanks so much John! I'm honored that you picked up the print. It's very much appreciated and I'm even more thrilled that I got a new fan out of it. I'll definitely keep the posters coming.

  9. What is it with artists and a.d.d? :) My best friend is an excellent artist, but he cant sit still for the life of him! He'll finish a piece and then continue to work on it for the next 2 weeks only to end right back up where he was 2 weeks prior.

    Just purchased your Tyson/Douglas via Gallery1988 online. Really digging this one, your on a roll man! Some great (epic?) work coming from you in recent months. Im a die hard Tyler Stout fan but I passed up his "local legend" print and went with yours instead, making it my first Eric Tan piece. As someone who grew up playing Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and Street Fighter II, it was a no brainer on which one to buy. Hadouken!

  10. Nice poster Tanner Manner! It's really dynamic. I don't know if I told you but I'm on the waitlist for your Tiki Stitch. Keeping my fingers crossed..

  11. Thanks so much Clay! I'm glad it caught your attention. There was a bunch of cool work by a lot of my favorite artists at the show so I'm surprised it stood out. Maybe the HUGE size and the massive frame helped ;)

    Stace, Thanks for the compliment and for ordering the Stitch. I'm waiting for one too. I mean, they did give me one while I visited the factory in China but my dad quickly yanked it when i got back. :( I hear they might be making a couple more versions of the Tiki so I'll let you know as soon as I get info. When's Lucky Boy?!?!

  12. This print is amazing! As a huge boxing fan, I can't wait to get this framed and up in my game room for the next big fight! Do you know if Tyson has seen this yet?! ;)

    Tanner, you are quickly becoming my fav contemporary artists...

    Any chance of doing a contemporary western as well? Young Guns maybe?!! That'd be insane!

    Thanks again for the great art my friend!

  13. Hey Eric,

    Just wanted to say I love your work, great stuff! I was curious if you sell any of your work outside of the gallery shows? I, like everyone else here love the Lost poster and noticed that one isn't on sale at the moment (Bummer!). However, I was curious about others, particularly the Beastie Boys poster and the x-men? Would really love to get my hands on them if possible. Either way, glad I stumbled upon this blog and look forward to seeing more of your work!

  14. Hey Eric,

    I actually just met Mike Tyson at a signing and got him to sign my copy of this print. He really liked it and said he wants a copy. Don't know how to link you two, but at least It's cool feedback. I've got pic of him signing if you're interested.


  15. That's one of the coolest things I've heard Clay! Thanks for the story. Can you send a pic to

