Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lost Update

Thanks to all the Lost fans who've been patient and checking in for updates on the poster. I've been trying to get it out asap, but hardcore deadlines at work and the fact that they're sending me to Hong Kong for several days next week will delay it just a wee bit longer. I'd like to be in the states for the sale just to make sure nothing goes wrong and you get the goods on time. I've definitely read all of the recommendations and I'll announce a set date but make it a random time. That seems to be the popular choice. Just make sure your Paypal mailing addresses are up to date. I'll post the site when I return the 1st week of February along with further instructions. Again, thank you to everyone who's checked in and supported the project. And I apologize for not getting the poster out sooner. Your loyalty to the show and enthusiasm for the posters have made me really wish it was an open run that everyone could get their hands on. Here's to hoping another Lost poster series happens.



  1. Thanks very much Eric, we appreciate the update. Be safe in your travels.

    Please contact me if you'd like some help setting up paypal to avoid any unfairness and prevent any possible 'backdoors'.

  2. Wow. Thanks for doing that for us Eric. Day and random time! Please make it a weekend :). Anyway, thanks heaps for listening to us.

  3. Awesome! The show starting and Tanner selling The Crash will make it a great week!

  4. awesome thanks eric!

  5. Tanner, a cool thing Tyler Stout did for his release is give fans of his work a chance to preorder a few reserved copies by sending in pics of certain prints that he had done along with a pic of the sig/number and choose a few from submissions for preorder.

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  8. Great to know it's coming soon Eric. :) Thanks for the updates! Just hoping it's not the weekend/beginning of the week that the premiere is on. Considering how many people are heading to HI for it, some people might be on a flight back home! ;) And that would be a major bummer I'm sure!!

    P.S. Some of us haven't gotten the chance to get any Lost prints yet or other art work, so hopefully it will just be an open chance for all. Not everyone can afford to own multiple pieces, though I will say your Indy and Disney stuff also rocks and is on my list. Though all the Lost prints are awesome, sadly some of us have had to decide what they wanted most, saving our money for our absolute favorite, i.e. your Lost print!. :) *fingers crossed*

  9. I'd happily take the day off and press the F5 button for hours on end just to get a copy.

  10. Thanks very much for the update, Eric. Goood luck with your travels

  11. Yay! I'm sure it will be even crazier this time. Luck be on my side.

  12. Thanks for the update Eric. If I could make one request....please think about the volume of Europeans trying to get this when you choose the time of day to put it up! I would be a shame for a whole continent to miss out becuase it became available in the wee small hours.

    Enjoy Hong Kong!

  13. Thanks for the update! Sounds like they've been keeping you pretty busy, which is mostly a good thing. Hopefully you'll have a chance to catch you're breath when you get back from Hong Kong.

    We totally appreciate your commitment to making this as fair as possible. A set date and random time will probably lead to possibly thousands of fans sitting in front of their computers F5ing for 24hours.

    Any heads up is of course greatly appreciated. I'll try to take that day off (am trying to use any off time to get to Haiti though -- it's the one thing I will miss LOST for).


  14. @Team can also deter flippers. Flippers don't keep art so fans of Tanner's work can have a better chance than a flipper would. I thought it was also cool of Stout to do that for a few of his hardcore fans.

  15. This sucks that he can't satisfy everyone. It's practically impossible to satisfy the Aus (me) the US and the UK. I will stay up 24 hours though if I have to.

  16. @jcm4545 True, flippers do suck. I'd much rather have actual fans get the prints. That being said, fans like myself are kinda SOL on both of those counts. Personally, at the moment I can't afford to collect several pieces (even though I'd like to!) In fact, I don't own any of the other Lost posters. I've tried a couple times in the releases and missed out (usually in the final submit button portion), and I cannot afford them off ebay. So either way, if he were to go by fans with other pieces or if flippers do get them, it leaves me out. I'm just hoping that some weird fluke happens and I click submit fast enough this time! lol

  17. Tannerrrrrrrrrrrr... how's HK? looking forward to the Crash drop like a hole in the head. My warriors print arrived today, and it's delicious. So thanks for that...

  18. thanks eric, i look forward to your next update!

  19. Eric, I would like to order a copy of your Lost poster. Please let me know when they become available.

  20. Hi Eric - enjoy the show tonight, and keep us poor Crashless souls in mind!

    Cheers from Vancouver

  21. It's become an almost hourly thing to check the site Eric! Crazy. Will you be making them available to order right away or will you be telling us a time you'll sell them? (the second I hope! Gives everyone a fair chance then)

  22. I believe that if he tells everyone ahead of time, it would take down the site when everyone was hitting it at the on-sale time. Totally random time over the course of a few days or at least a day would be the best bet for everyone involved. Believe me, you'd rather miss the drop than try for an hour while the site keeps crashing, only to lose it anyway.

  23. is more frustrating to watch for it an entire day and not get it than watch for it for an hour and not get it. Whatever Tanner thinks is best, I won't complain! I just hope it goes smooth for everyone and can't wait for Tanner to give us some more info!

  24. I don't believe it would take down the site. Besides, it'd be mighty unfair for those of us who have to go to work and such to fund our love of all things art and media. Announcing a pre-set time would allow us all the chance to organise to be here and give everyone a fair chance, no matter what country etc.

    Whatever Tanner thinks is best though :)

  25. I assure you that it would take down the site if it were released at a preset time. I'm a computer programmer / analyst for an ecommerce company and I'm also a poster collector who has been through a lot of really tough drops.

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  27. Thanks for that experienced one ;) Who says the sales would be done through this site though? Tanner could do them via eBay just as easily. Blogspot is a HUGE setup and wouldn't be taken down by a couple thousand hits in 2 minutes. And besides, if that's what it takes for everyone to have a fair chance at getting a poster, so be it!

  28. The point is, that no matter what he does, it will not be a fair chance to everyone. Doing it at a totally random time just makes more sense logistically.

  29. Not really. That would make it very unfair to people who are asleep in different timezones or people who are working to get money so they can purchase things like this.

    It makes it fair to announce a time and then put some up at that time (unless Tanner splits the batch of what is left and puts up a few at different times...logistically, not very great though).

    However, it's up to Tanner to decide what to do. I'm just a supporter of the idea of all his fans getting a fair chance.

  30. If you want everyone to be "fair" then it's a single ticket lottery style...which isn't my favorite way of doing print drops.

  31. Hi Eric! I was just wondering if there was anything in the contract with ABC that would prevent you from doing either lithographic or giclée reproductions of your prints?

    I will absolutely still be trying for one of your remaining prints when they are available... but realistically, the odds on getting one are going to be pretty bad. For those of us who just want the artwork to hang on our walls, it would be a nice consolation prize if we can't get one of your prints.

    Regardless... looking forward to all the madness when you do release the extras!

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  33. Eric you might want to rethink using big cartel for the sale of the Crash poster. It wont hold up with all the people trying to buy it, just ask Tyler Stout. Email lottery would be better.

  34. As I feared... I was unable to get through on your sale of your extras. Any chance you might create some lithographic posters, or giclée prints for those of us who still want The Crash hanging on our walls?

  35. Thanks so much for doing the drop yesterday! I missed it by a few minutes unfortunately, but appreciate the effort either way.
    Hopefully you'll be able to do some normal poster prints for us who didn't make it. It's a beautiful piece of art.

  36. I saw your are on the list of artists for the G1988 sports themed show, any hint of your choice of subject matter? (crosses fingers for the one in a million chance it is a Tampa Bay Buccaneers inspired piece...never going to happen I know)

    Also, do you ever do small runs (10-15 prints) on commission? I am trying to come up with something cool and original I can get for my brother for a wedding gift.

  37. Eric,

    Ironically, I was out of town last week for work. So, I never saw the posting. I had looked every day for a date until I left town. Bummer.

    I do hope you will look into other printing options and let us know. If that is possible, you would really make a lot of your fans happy. Thanks.


  38. It makes me sad that around 10 sold have already been on Ebay:( It would have went on the wall next to my 4 other Tan pieces:(

  39. Eric, I am a mega-huge fan of yours. Is there any way or anywhere that I can get your LOST print? It would mean the world to me. Thank you and keep up the amazing work!
