Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Crash

Hey Lost fans,
I'm not sure if I've ever gotten more inquiries about a project of mine than the Lost poster. As a HUGE fan of the show myself, I can totally understand it. It's such a cool show and the poster series was an amazing collection that celebrates the final season of an instant classic. It was an honor to be included among artists I look up to, and my mind was completely blown when I saw the Lostargs fan poll that voted my contribution 1st! I'm glad I was able to design something that hopefully captured what that show means to me and a special thanks to all who voted and have been following the poster series. I wish I could've met all of you who actually showed up at Gallery 1988 on opening night. That was a very impressive turnout!

The good news is, I do have a few posters left for sale! The bad news is, I have a ridiculously crazy deadline this month that will keep me from getting the posters into tubes and out to you right away. The usual 9 to 5 job is actually more like 8 to 9 these days and I hope you guys understand and bear with me at least for the next couple of weeks. I assure you that I will post a date, time, and web address on my blog once I get everything sorted. Thanks to all those who've dropped me a line and contact info. Unfortunately, I've received more requests than posters available so instead of leaving anyone out, I thought I'd sell on a 1st come, 1st served basis like many of the other artists have. Sorry there are not enough to go around. I collect a lot of things myself and I know that crappy feeling when I miss out on something I really like, or something that simply completes the series. Just check back in every now and then and I'll do my best to get you "The Crash". I do appreciate your patience in all this.



  1. I've been waiting so long for your extras to see the light of day... what's a couple more weeks? :-) I don't care how long it takes... I'll be waiting with my fingers on the keyboard for that moment!

    Once again... congrats on all your success with "The Crash". It's definitely well deserved!

  2. AWSOME eric, i was wondering if we'd here from you anytime soon. I m glad you gave us an update. So excited to MAYBE be able to get one, although i m not getting my hopes up :P

    LOVE the poster, and all your other work, i picked up your warriors poster, and my G/F got me the Russel print for xmas...

    i know i posted it before, and you're probably far too busy, but i always love seeing the "in the process" type deals on your blog. like the Indy sketches or X-men one. and if you have anything of that sort you coudl post about the lost print, that would be AMAZING!

    THANKS! :D

  3. Congrats on all the much deserved accolades Eric! Can't wait to see if I'll finally get a chance to own 'The Crash'!

    Best of luck with your work!

  4. More "Crash!!??" F-ing fantastic. I tried to get one during the original release, but alas through a strange set of circumstances I missed it. Can't afford the ones on ebay (congrats on creating such an awesome poster!!), so this will probably be my only chance to complete my collection. Fingers crossed. Legs crossed. Crosses crossed.

  5. So glad to know there are more! Definitely my favorite poster of the series. I was one of those people who voted for it as my #1 at LostArgs. :) I absolutely love your style, especially your take on Disney and Indy! *fingers crossed I'll get my hands on one of the Crash prints*
    P.S. I noticed you listed Goonies as one of your favorite films. It's been one of mine as well since childhood... any chance of doing a print for it?

  6. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated, and im looking froward to having the chance to buy one, a chance is better than no chance at all.

  7. Thanks for taking your time to get back to us! I own your Last Crusade and your X-Men poster. I would love to add this to my Eric Tan collection! I can't wait to get one!

  8. Ohhh... I would love to get "The Crash." I was lucky enough to get "Rousseau's Transmission" and I always wanted these two paired. They represent the bookends of the greatest two hours of TV. Just fantastic, Eric. I can't wait for the opportunity to buy one.

  9. Fantastic news, Eric - can't wait!

    Hi from Vancouver

  10. Thank you Eric, for giving us poor souls that missed out the first time around an opportunity to purchase "The Crash". It is very much appreciated. I was thrilled when I read that you had a few more. I'll keep checking in to see when it will be for sale. Thanks for sharing your talent for us to enjoy.

  11. I guess I'll keep checking back, cross my fingers and hope for the best.

    I'm glad that this project has turned more people on to your work--your talent is deserving of this kind of exposure.

  12. Eric, congratulations on your amazing body of work, thanks to the LOST poster series I've been able to discover many excellent artists such as yourself. Like everyone out there that missed out on "The Crash", I'm greatly looking forward to the chance to snag one of them! All the best

  13. Eric- I'm a huge fan of your work- I was wondering where I could purchase the prints you do for Disney - like the Wall-e and UP ones? Is it here on your site or thru a dealer?

    I am a lucky owner of The Crash- and am happy that a few more will be available to my fellow Losties! :)

    Keep up the AMAZING work! :)


  14. We totally understand about work. Lately it has eaten into a huge part of my life too. So DCaaPB LOST prints + work = minimal sleep.

    I tried to post this in the comments to the last LOST post, but it's not up so I'll re-post it here.

    We sent Jensen Karp and G1988 a photocake on the closing day of the LOST Underground Art Show as a thank you for such a unique experience. The DCaaPB was in one corner and The Crash the featured print. (It was red velvet)

    Here's a pic:

  15. You're a LOST fan, so can can relate with me on this one.

    Remember those infamous polar bear cages in season three? Remember how Pickett was going to kill Sawyer, and then Kate passionately yelled out, "I'll DO ANYTHING!"

    Yeah? Well, I"LL DO ANYTHING for a print of The Crash.

    Much love,

  16. Thanks guys! I hope we get to do another Lost poster series, maybe for celebrating the end of the show run. It really was one of the more entertaining projects for me.

    Comix guru, check out Acme Archives at www.acmearchivesdirect.com, to get the Pixar stuff.

    ObFuSc8, That cake is AMAZING!!! And I love red velvet too! It's quite an honor to be the poster chosen to grace the cake! It's definitely a 1st for me!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. this is my last LOST art print for my collection...please let me know how to get one


  19. When you make a date, PLEASE make it an unspecific time that way only the true lost fans will bother staying up 24 hours!

  20. Eric, Your art and design work is amazing! I myself have worked in graphic design for about 14 years. But, I envy your incredible illustration skills. I loved your Wall-E (dogs) poster. And this 'LOST" poster is phenomenal. I hope you might have enough left of the 'LOST' poster left that I could purchase one? Please let me know. My direct email is bcddesign@gmail. Thank you for your time. And keep up the OUTSTANDING work!! -Brad

  21. Hi Eric

    I did post quickly before, but I'd just like to add my appreciation of your illustrations too - especially Dug! Disney/Pixar must be awesome to work for.

    If this counts in any way, please consider me for a Crash poster - you can mail me directly at richrootes@gmail.com (I'm not an Ebay profiteer, but a fan of your work and of course Lost).


  22. No way he'll sell this via email.
    I think it's clear :D

    I just say... HURRY UP.
    I want this over :D
    My life is cracking 'cause of these posters. :D

  23. Hey Eric, I would also love to get a hold of a copy of this wonderful print!

  24. Eric, i have to ask you something.
    Your print will be HYPER wanted.
    So, please do this Tong style (paypal, 2 click and bought. It was 200+shipping, but the nonUS users would be bummed with one more menu to care about, so he made 215$ for all, with 5$ refunds for US who did bought it. Faster, safer, less refunds, more chances for all), but with no time specified.
    Like "will sold it Jan 17th, random time", Moss style.

  25. And please, take count that there will be people from Europe, so.. Make the timing right, i'm 9hours ahead from PST... :D

  26. I'm with Annie. It would be appreciated if you made it a few clicks to buy and random time. Sorry for asking too much...

  27. Do you have any more prints of "The Crash"?! Please, oh please, say you do!

  28. Your print is beautiful and I will do pretty much anything to get one. Thanks!

  29. Eric, why not do a reverse auction (starting at $750) for the rest of your Crash prints and give all the proceeds above $250 to charity? That cuts out the Ebay flippers, compensates you, and helps out a good cause at the same time.

    Mel Hutson

  30. @Movie
    That's fine if you're incredibly rich - knock yourself out. The average fan will then have no chance whatsover.

    Eric will no doubt contribute in his own way, but leave it up to him please.


  31. The "reverse auction" is just a suggestion. The "average fan" has no realistic chance of getting these. He could probably sell 4000 of them and there are only 40 available. If Eric sells 40 randomly for $200 (like the other artists), 20 of them will go to Ebay flippers who will cash them for $1000 profit each. Why not let that profit go to charity? Mel

  32. When Tyler Stout sold his remaining lost posters he made a bunch of lost related questions that you answered in a mail. This way it's a bigger chance the posters go to lost fans. That's my two cents... Bloody awsome poster btw! :-)

  33. Not a bad idea. But funny enough Jonas, barely anyone got them in Lostargs.
