Monday, December 14, 2009

Get Lost!

If you're around the greater Los Angeles area between Tuesday, December 15th and Christmas Eve, be sure to check out the Lost Underground Show at Gallery1988 . All 16 Lost posters will be on display as well as a bunch of Lost-inspired paintings and drawings. I was fortunate enough to get to be one of the lucky 16 artists chosen to create a poster and as a HUGE fan of the show, the pressure was on to do something that captured all my die-hard fanboy excitement. I never thought the poster series would reach this amount of sold-out-in-seconds craziness and get me into the Entertainment Weekly with Sandra Bullock's lovely mug on the cover. Nutso! It's been an insane ride and it's gonna be even cooler to see them all under one roof. I hear there's already a line in front of the gallery...and it's 24 hours away! I'll hope to see you behind that hatch, Lost in a sea of fans just like me!


  1. I was just looking at my copy of EW, and it was really awesome to see your work in there! Please, please, please tell me that some of us here might be able to get a copy of your Lost print if there are any left over!

    (I also really like the look of your new poster for The Warriors, by the way!)

  2. I was lucky enough to be at Gallery 1988 for all the Lost excitement. As a matter of fact, I'm wearing my Locke T-Shirt right now (lucky #555 of 815)!

    My greatest regret was missing out on your poster, The Crash. I had to train some new hires that day, and was crushed to miss it. Is there any chance that you have an update on when the few "extra" prints of The Crash might be available?

    If nothing else, I'm grateful that the Lost art project exposed me to artists that I might never have seen otherwise. I'm a huge fan of your work, and will continue to seek out your art in the future!

  3. Eric, your poster is hands down my favorite of the bunch. I would also love to get my hands on a print!!!

  4. Thanks for the compliments guys! I'm glad you followed the poster series. I have a feeling more of the prints will get out there eventually. Just can't say anything yet. I will keep you posted...

    (Sorry, I can't be much of a help. I collect things too and it kills me when I miss part of a series. So yeah, I feel that pain.)

  5. Ah, I'm excited for when you will be able to say something. It's not even a collector's issue for me, as I only have the budget for one of the prints and yours was my absolute favorite of the sixteen.

  6. Can't wait for that! I've been dyin' for this print ever since I missed it. Definitely my fav of the bunch. Did you try and collect any for yourself?

  7. Hey Eric!

    I was another LOST fangirl lucky enough to be at the G1988 event -- flew out from Chicago! It was amazing, really indescribable, all of that LOST art in one room. Your blog post seemed to hint you might be at the event. You didn't slip in, and we somehow missed you?

    The Crash, #1/300, complete with Darlton's signature was displayed with the other 15 in the series. I wasn't fast enough to snag that either, so I'll be yet another fan waiting for any updates you can throw us.

    It would be fun to hear about what you think about the rest of the LOST art on display -- LOST art by LOST fans, for LOST fans.

  8. And if you haven't already, check out Pocketwookie's interpretation of the blank resin Tawaret statue --

    He'll never give up he'll stay 'till the fight's won, GI Pharaoh is there...Great Egyptian Hero...

  9. ObFuSc8, fortunately I made the show but only was able to stay for about 15 minutes. It was definitely an amazing experience to see everyone's interpretation of the show. You could tell that everyone who was part of it was a fan. And being a HUGE fan myself, it was quite an honor to have my work up with all the others in the series. Hopefully, this isn't the last Lost event they do. I'm up for it if they are ;)

  10. I'm hoping that more of these will be for sale soon… maybe… please? And, don't be afraid to make it bigger!

  11. Great poster, Eric! I got into the poster series too late and missed yours. I sure hope you're able to release a few more as I'd love to have it as part of my collection.

  12. So you were at the G1988 event on Dec 15th...and we somehow managed to miss seeing you?! Now that kind of sucks.

    I'd love to see your interpretation of a Tawaret statue, if they somehow find another blank.

    There was an unofficial poll at LOST ARGs. 641 people (in 26 countries) voted and ranked their top 5 DCaaPB prints. Eric Tan for The Crash won the #1 spot.

    Come check it out:

  13. ObFuSc8, That's amazing!! I can't believe it ranked that high. I'm a huge fan of all the artists who contributed to the project so I was content with just being asked at all to be a part of it. This is a really cool bonus and I'm honored that that many people voted for it.

  14. Now you can see why everyone wants one! I've been checking your site since the day it sold out for a possible chance at getting an extra one(fingers crossed!)

  15. Simply superb artwork!

    Looking forward to following, and collecting, your work (past + future).

    A dedicated wall in Brooklyn awaits.

    Much success, Eric! Cheers!
