Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Although I was glued in front of the television all through childhood and my teenage years, watching such gems as Silver Spoons, Alf, Small Wonder, The A-Team, and Saved by the Bell, my career kinda got in the way once I became an adult and my prime time viewing hours were reduced to about an hour and a half a week. I'm not quite sure how I stumbled upon the 1st episode of Lost (maybe it was subliminally planted in my head cuz I work at Disney), but I've been hooked on it since the premiere, and it's become the one show that I do watch religiously every week. The combination of an original premise, an amazing cast of characters, and the ever-growing feeling of never knowing where the story is taking you have all made it the most addicting show I've seen in years - well, at least since Charles in Charge went off the air anyway. So you can believe my fanboy freak out when I was asked to contribute a Lost poster to a series of 16 that are celebrating the show's final season. Each of the artists were given a particular theme from the show and mine was simply called "The Crash." After re-watching the pilot a few times, I realized that the episode follows the plane crash through Jack's eyes. That's where the concept for my poster originated. With Jack as the central figure, all that surround him are the characters and events that fill his storyline - from the love triangle, to the fight for leadership against Locke, to his family ties to Christian and Claire. I used the crash theme as the catalyst to Jack's arc of the series. The color palette is directly pulled from the Oceanic Airlines logo and Dharma logo acts as a 'stamp' that lets you know who's responsible for all of this craziness. It was definitely an honor to be asked to put my spin on the one series I gladly invest in each week. I hope all you fans of the show dig it and I definitely can't wait to see how the story ends.

Check out the rest of the Lost poster series at Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear .


  1. Wonderful. Sawyer has such great character here. Love it.

  2. Aw, already sold out. Any chance you have any personal copies for sale, Eric?

  3. This is one of my favorites of all your pieces, Tanner. I was blown away when you first showed it. I've only watched a couple of episodes, so I don't have any emotional attachment to the tv show, but this piece has such good storytelling that it makes me want to watch. Nice job, pal!

  4. Very cool, Eric. It's a shame that it's already sold out. I'd buy one if you ever reprint them.

  5. Hi Eric,

    I managed to get one and am so excited. They sold out in just over an hour! Thanks for making this fan very happy! I am sure it will be the best one and so cool that you are such a fan of the show!

  6. Hi Eric, I'm currently maintaining the LostArgs.Com blog following all that is going on with these posters and I have to say that your poster has had, by far, the strongest reaction by everyone.

    Glad you enjoyed creating it as much as we will enjoy hanging a copy on our walls.

  7. Eric- I love your style. All the posters you did for Wall-e and UP... and i was lucky enough to get THE CRASH before it sold out. I'm a PA at Disney Animation. Hope we bump into one another one of these days. :)

  8. Very glad that you posted your thoughts about your Lost entry. It's very special and certainly an iconic representation of the show!

  9. Nice to see your thought process on this. Wonderful work, Eric. Didn't know you watch the show. We also follow the show religiously. I think we need to do a Lost party with Kimchi Fried Rice and beer!

  10. I hope you do more, they look great!

  11. Thanks everyone!!! Lost is such a vast show and rich with material. It was a challenge to narrow all that down focus on a single idea. I'm glad you approved of the direction.

    Hutch, it's awesome to think that one of your favorites is the latest piece. I'm always trying to find ways to improve as I go forward so it's good to know I'm headed in the right direction.

    Patrick and Scott, I'll definitely let you know if I get a few prints from the run to sell.

    Zort70, Cool! Any publicity is good right? I'm glad I started so much discussion...good or bad ;)

    Malice, I was scheduled to do a chat at Feature Animation. Not sure what happened as far as scheduling, but hopefully it happens sooner than later. Hope you can make it...whenever it happens.

    Capcom and JT, Thanks for the stamp of approval!

    Larry, I'm so there!!! Fire up the stove and pop open the kimchi jar!!!

  12. Wow, sold out already! I missed my chance! Nice poster much can I pay you to do a Saved by the Bell poster? two tacos?

  13. Lost: A Theory on Time Travel

    LOST has presented us with various themes of fate vs. destiny; however, by the end of the series, we will all be back at the same universal question: Are we completely controlled by fate, or do we have the ability to change what’s already happened in the future?

    The LOST series revolves around the use of a quasi-conventional time machine. All of the “mysteries” that the show presents can be explained through an understanding of how this time machine is used. While many think that a time machine is a “cheap” answer to the show, I can assure you that once LOST makes the “big reveal,” there will be much to think about and reflect upon.

    Does everything happen for a reason?

    What’s happening to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815? Who are the Others? What is the Island and where is everybody? Think you’ve got it figured out? Share your theories here, rate those of other fans and see how yours measure up.

    To submit your theory and discuss it, join my blog:

  14. Wow, awesome poster. I tried to get one (as I am a HUGE fan of Lost) but was too late. I'd love to have one for my office, any chance they may be reprinted? I'd buy this in a second.

    P.S. I also love your X-men and Indiana Jones posters, great stuff Eric!

  15. Amazing Job Eric. I've been trying to get one of your pieces for a little while but missed out on the Indiana Jones one and now the stunning LOST poster.

    When they first announced that they were doing this LOST ARG I was hoping that you would be one of the artists to provide a poster. I'm huge fan of your style and of LOST so the combination is perfect.

    Please let me know if any more become available and great job!

  16. Hi Eric. I managed to grab one of these before they sold out. Love the composition, the balance, and the likenesses. Really nice. Cheers!

  17. Damn! Can't believe I missed out on this one! Any chance of being able to buy an AP?

  18. I can't believe I missed this! Please tell me that you're going to be able to get your hands on a few to sell us! It's torture to find out about this after it's already too late...

  19. Congrats Tan! That's great. Nice to work on a project you're really a fan of! Hold me a copy of the A-Team poster when you do it, I don't want to miss out!

  20. Count me in as another who'd like a reprint copy of this poster...amazing work.

    The reaction to your poster was astounding; I had no trouble ordering the 1st three...I went on an errand for 30 minutes and returned and yours was sold out; amazing!

    I'll check back here to see if you can get the rights to sell a few more to those of us who missed would be much appreciated as fellow fans of the show and admirers of your great work in this piece

  21. hi ! i loved your poster but i didn't get lucky to get a copy in time (issue with internet at work) is there any way i could get two (it's the birthday of one of my friend soon and she's huge fan too and loved your art !!= ? :( i can pay for that please let's me know if it's possible and good luck for future art :) you're very good on it :D

  22. Yes, I'm in line with everyone who would like a print if you can get permission. Perhaps they'll let you do a smaller one with no sig and number, so it won't be the same product and diminish the value of the Lost project originals? Hope so!

  23. P.S. Even a print on a T-shirt or totebag would be neat if a poster is not allowed.

  24. I was able to order the other 4 posters, and was crushed when I missed the opportunity to purchase yours! Your "Crash" poster is far and away my favorite so far.

    I've loved your past Indiana Jones posters and all your artwork from The Incredibles! Please put me on the list if you get any extra copies to sell... I would be thrilled to have one hanging on my wall.

    Just in case you don't have any extras (or have already sold them)... is there any chance you might consider offering additional prints, maybe without the signature and number (so that there is no conflict with the original 300 prints)? At this point, I'd be happy to buy any type of copy (litho, giclee, etc.) if they were available.

    Regardless... AWESOME work! I look forward to seeing/buying your work in the future!

  25. Thanks for the awesome compliments everyone! It was also a shock to me when I learned these had sold out before I even knew they were on sale. For those of you trying to complete the collection, or simply trying to get just this one, I know how frustrating that can be. Hopefully a few more will find their way to the public. When I do have more info, I'll let you know through the blog. Just subscribe to it on the right hand column so you'll get any update as soon as I can post it.

  26. I received #155 of the "Crash" poster today and it is awesome!! I enjoyed reading your comments about your inspiration for the artwork - it's easy to tell you're a Lost fan from the poster.

    Great work!

  27. That would be freakin sweet if some more of these prints got released. Just recently got introduced to your work and i love your style. i will definitely be picking up a few giclees from the acme site. Especially the Wall-E "The Future is Now" giclee. It is sweet and will fit perfectly on the wall in my tv room. I will be checking back to see if any of the LOST prints leak out. I hope so.

    thanks so much for the great art

  28. Great poster, I don't suppose you have any left over for sale? I'd be more than happy to pay a premium to get one. Please feel free to contact me at Your work is great, especially the Last Crusade print. Here's to hoping we see a Back to the Future print in the near future!

  29. i am completely amazing by all of your posters and can't help but think that they'd look spectacular on Ts. have you ever had any printed with your images?


  30. I am yet another of the sad people who didn't get your poster. I am trying to collect the series, but wasn't quite fast enough for yours. And your poster is definitely a keeper! I'm subscribing to your blog, and I'm very happy to have found you. You are an incredible artist!

  31. Very nice work on the poster! I really like it and congrats on the VERY quick sellout! IF there is another printing, do let me know - I'm a fan of the show as well! Talk to you later!


  32. Hello, I too absolutely love your poster and am very sorry not to have been able to get one of the original 300. If there are any more ever available, I would be very interested!!! Thank you!!!

  33. Like everyone else, I would love a copy of this piece as well!

  34. Eric, Love the poster, big fan of all your work.

    i actually wanted to say, i would LOVE to see maybe some sketches or something of how you came along the process of this print, much alike you did with the X-men poster....

    i love seeing the sketches and how they progress into the final product.

    would that be something you might do at all?

  35. Awesome poster! Lost is such a crazy/interesting show. I love your take on it!

    ♥ xtine

  36. The Crash is my favorite print of all of the Polarbear prints. Its so awesome!

  37. Hey, I'd love to get a copy of this poster! Eric, do you have any APs left? Many thanks - David (

  38. Congratulations on creating a beautiful piece of art that Lost fans and art fans alike can appreciate. I was not able to purchase one of your prints when they were originally on sale and I would love the chance to own one if they are ever on sale again. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention, as well as the attention of many others in the online Lost community, that several of your Crash posters have made their way to ebay, where these "flippers" are selling them at more than 10 times their original price. One that is selling out within the next couple of hours is currently selling for $690.00. I don't know whether you were aware of this or not, but I thought you should know what the scalpers are up to. There may not be anything that you can do about this, I do not know, but I wanted to make sure you were informed. As a longtime fan of Lost, finding out that these special prints, not to mention your hard work, are being used for gross profit was very disappointing to me as I would think it must be for you too. I know that you have said you are a Lost fan as well. Thank you for your time and thank you for The Crash. It really is fantastic.


    Isaac Elkiss

  39. Hi Eric!

    I have to say this is one of my favorites of the DCaaPB series. I love your retro style art and your X-Men poster from last year was amazing!

    Needless to say I loved this as poster as soon as I saw it but was at work, so missed out since it sold out so quickly.

    Then I found your blog and read that opening sentence Silver Spoons, Alf, Small Wonder, The A-Team, and Saved by the Bell -- I had my own little fangirl freakout!! Surely that you must be my Brotha from anotha motha!!

    I echo the rest here when I say this was one of my favorite prints and would really be interested in buying one, if they let you release some next year.

    What did you think of Mark-Paul Gosselaar on Jimmy Fallon a couple months ago? Genius.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  40. Eric, I'm another person who loves this print but missed getting one through Damon, Carlton & a Polar Bear (by about 30 minutes). I (like the others) would love to get a copy of it in whatever form (smaller print, postcard, shirt, etc.).

    I was also wondering, though, if you have any other original artwork available for sale, or even any sketches you did preparing for the Lost print?

    I've checked out each of the artists' websites after their Lost print reveals, and although everyone is talented, I definitely like the style of your art the best. I would love the chance to get an Eric Tan original, even if it isn't an original "The Crash" print. Thanks!

  41. Tanner, when will you be selling the 40 of this print that you've been given [as other artists have]? Other artists have said after the first of the year. Just to let you know, i'll be emailing you on Jan 1st! :]

    I'm collecting the rest of the prints just so I can trade them for The Crash. I've been wanting a print of yours since I first saw the Incredibles art you did years ago. And I love the Indiana Jones art. You need to put up a store somewhere and sell this stuff! I'd be first in line.

  42. Eric, I also missed out on your wonderful Lost print. I cannot afford the flippers price and this is easily the best out of all the Lost art prints. I want one so badly. Also, this print spawned my love for your art and your work is amazing!

  43. Eric, just wondering if you could email me regarding this print's future... organic_herbal(at)

    I posted a few posts up, this is the only one I've missed and I even got today's less than 10 second sellout. I'm just a rabid LOST fan who likes your art and wants something to pass onto my child! It sucks that I missed what I truly think is the best one, it's like I've got a body without the heart

    (+ more groveling at your feet, lol) Thanks

  44. Is there a mailing list to sign up for or do we just check back here?

    My email is

    I really want this print! Also, just bought one of your amazing UP posters on Amazon!!!

  45. Eric--More and more of us are getting hopeful that the artists will be given the opportunity to provide a few additional copies to their fans early next year. I missed this one--and after following your work and your blog over the past year and a half, it would be awesome to be given an opportunity to get my hands on your Lost print to accompany my set of the three Indys. I don't know if you will actually be given the opportunity, but hopefully you can put together a "standby list" made up of those of us who have been with you since before the Crash. I know I have my fingers crossed...

  46. Eric I have been following your blog and I would pay whatever amount you price these at just to get a copy of The Crash. It is the epitome of Lost and your art work is amazing.

    Must have this print...!!!

  47. Eric, my dear Eric. You don't know me, so that most likely came across as creepy, but keep reading because it gets better.

    Your art? It's like honey on a fried chicken biscuit. It just makes sense, man. It works.

    I'm a huge Lost fanatic and am aching to get a hold of your print, The Crash.

    It's just so....Lost.

    My email=
    I subscribed to your blog, I'd be willing to pay whatever. Do you need my social security #? Perhaps my blood type? I need this like Stan needs Kyle.

    --fingers crossed--

  48. Beautiful! Stunning! I simplicity and the endless movement coexist naturally in your poster. I adore your work and appreciate the quality in your craft. I can't take my Lost-loving eyes off of "The Crash." Please consider doing another run of prints.

    Cait, AIGA Indy

  49. Hi Eric, GREAT JOB.
    With this piece of art you are famous all over the world, Italy included :p
    I hope i will able to take one from the second round of selling.
    Davide :)

  50. Wow. This is definitely the best print out of them all. You've done a wonderful job and I hope to see you do more Lost stuff in the future.

  51. I've been craving this print for so long, it's hard to believe I finally have it! Had to finally break the piggy bank, but I got my hands on one your personal pre-100 prints! So stoked.

    You did such an amazing job portraying this, my all time favorite show. Easily the best print in the series! Although Tong's is pretty sweet as well.

    I just can't quite decide on how to frame this... Any personal suggestions? Pics of your own copy? How about a local LA framing company you like?

    Again, keep up the awesome work Tanner! Lookiing forward to more for sure!
