Monday, December 15, 2008

Rhymin' and Stealin'

I finally finished up that Beastie Boys poster over the weekend. Notice how there were 3 comps a few months ago but there's only one final? Well, a few factors kept me from reaching my goal, mainly prior obligations to a Disney book and downright laziness. I also wasn't happy with where the New York and L.A. versions were going. They just didn't seem unique enough so I scrapped them about halfway into the process. After all this time, I still have trouble putting everything that's in my head together on the page successfully. In the end, the "Fly to Tokyo" print, based on the Intergalactic video, became a combination of old TWA/Braniff Airways travel posters and Japanese toy robot packaging. The final size is pretty big (18" x 30") and is printed litho style on some nice textured parchment. They'll be available at the Beastie show at Gallery1988 from January 8th - 29th. Check out their bloggy blog here .


  1. This is awesome! Now you just need to finish up the Indiana Jones series! :)

  2. Hi Eric. I would like to contact you. Could you leave me a note, please?

    thank you

    lode.bellens at mac dot com

  3. This is one of your best, Eric, and that's saying a lot considering the quality of art you create. Good luck with the show.

  4. So friggin cool. MCA is gonna buy a print of this for the Dalai Lama, baby!

  5. This is so cool Eric! Can't wait to see it in the show...congratulations!

  6. Thanks guys! Glad it has a "cool" factor to it. I, being the most uncool guy ever, can find comfort in your opinions. Sweet!

  7. freaking awesome E!

    Happy Holidays man.

  8. Eric, this is awesome!

    (Just started following your blog, I'm a huge fan of your work)

  9. Hi Eric,

    I just saw your "Follow the bee" on display in one of the malls in Hong Kong yesterday!

    It looks really cute and nice! Do you sell copies of it? If so, can you let me know? Thanks and Merry Xmas! =)

  10. very nice, tanner!!
    Hope you're well and happy holidays...try to stay awake through new years.

  11. Thanks for the compliments everyone!

    Sandee- The Follow the Bee piece was for "The Art of Winnie the Pooh" that was published a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, it may have been the only place it was printed.

    Nic- happy Holidays to you too! How dare you interrupt my nap :)

    Patricio- I hope this does well because I also hope to improve and finish the other Beastie posters I had going for New York and Los Angeles. Maybe one day...

  12. OOh I really love your illustration style. I am very interested in purchasing the Beastie Intergalactic Airways as a gift for my partner. The gallery blog doesn't specify whether the poster will be on sale online (I am currently in Australia and as such unable to attend the opening) or how much it would cost. Could you let me know please? Thanks so much for your time, keep up the good work.

    Best wishes and a Happy New Year,

    biosfeer (at) hotmail dot com

  13. I'm blogging a different image from the 1988 gallery each day and attaching a load of extra BB stuff to each post - just wondered if you could add a few words about your piece for inclusion? Here are some questions to help with the sort of stuff I'm after:

    Can you email and tell me exactly what influenced your painting?
    What do you like about the Beastie Boys?
    What is your favourite BB song?

    Thanks a million,

    Aidan @

  14. That's a very COOOL poster!! Love it!

  15. I must have a print of this, are they for sale anywhere?

  16. Thanks guys!

    Dylan, just visit to purchase the poster. Oh yeah, click on Los Angeles once you get in.

  17. First poster is very beautiful

  18. Dude, your poster got showcased on House M.D. last night.

  19. I saw your poster on house too, kristin made we rewind it a few times to see it


  20. I am also interested in purchasing this print. I went to Gallery 1988 and browsed and browsed but couldn't find it. Do you have a direct link or... could you provide me another way to acquire it?

    Thank you very much and congratulations for your work. It's amazing.

  21. Hey Javier, You can still purchase it online here:

  22. Long shot at best, but worth a try. I am a huge fan of the BBoys and your work and bought a print from the Gallery 1988 show back in 2008.

    Unfortunately, my framed piece did not make it across country in my move and I'm sure is now adoring someone else's wall. Totally sadness.

    I'd like to explore buying a replacement, can you help?


  23. Hi Kate
    I'm so sorry about the print not making it. I wish I was of more help but unfortunately, its one of the prints that I don't have any extras of. I'm useless! Sometimes on you can buy or trade with people who may own a copy. That's what I tend to do when I come across a print I can no longer find at the gallery or store. I hope that helps ;)
