Monday, May 5, 2008

Wall•e World

For the upcoming release of Wall•e, Pixar is all decked out with film development art and standees from the film. They were kind enough to use those posters I did way back to line both walls. My first reaction after seeing them up was shock, then I picked myself up off the floor and felt kinda dizzy. Fortunately, they had this bench smack dab in the center where I could get it together. That's me in the middle there with Wall•e & Eve. It's quite the honor to get to work on all these projects. I never thought I'd get close to doing anything this cool. Just as I started to get all sentimental or whatever, I found this fat ball outside and immediately tried to roll into a bike rack on their front lawn. I don't think they're inviting me back anytime soon.


  1. Gotta be photoshop!

  2. Dang Zanky, why do you have to hate?

  3. Cool! It must feel great to see your own work there :)

  4. Tanner, I can't tell which is the robot and which is the human sitting in that chair! You gotta' loosen up, baby! You're money!

  5. Great pictures, Eric! I didn't know they had a gigantic Luxo lamp up there. That's so cool!

  6. congrats Eric. I remember seeing your Ratatouille posters last time I was there. beautiful.

  7. i am really excited to see the new pixar standees, i really like pixar's work, i make standees and like seeing different ways they are used. If you want a custom standee from any picture check us out at

  8. Congrats, Tan!
    And all this time I thought you just sleep at work.
    Kidding, that's such a great honor, and well deserved.
    I will eat a taco in your honor today.

  9. I like the blog new look and logos and stuff. And all the blue. Did I mention that before? Oh yeah, the Wall E stuff is cool too.

  10. Thanks guys! It's a bit difficult to completely enjoy the entire experience cuz I find that I constantly pick apart everything I do. I'm getting better at letting things go once they're approved but I swear I was looking up at those posters and I wanted to change the colors around, tweak the typefaces, and redraw the artwork cuz I feel I have a better handle on them now. We artists have some sick, tortured souls. Sometimes I wish I was one of those a-holes who loves everything they do ;)
