Sunday, March 16, 2008

King Taco

It seems like I'm designing poster after poster nowadays. It's not that I'm complaining or anything because they're a ton of fun to do. Guess my problem is the more I do, the harder it is to come up with something new. But I guess if it were always that easy, it probably wouldn't be that satisfying in the end. A great example of that is that Police Academy where they go to Russia (#6, i think). Talk about a letdown. Anyways, here's an Indiana Jones thumbnail of a poster that's due in a week. I'll post the final hopefully soon.


  1. I love king taco. get the al pastor burrito.

  2. 'Bout friggin time, Tanner. If this post gets another 60 posts I'm buying you a BORREET-OH.

  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. Dude! You freakin' posted!! Nice of you to throw us a bone every 3 months or so. But seriously, congrats on that last ws a big hit. I'm sure this one will be no different. Can't wait to see the final piece!

  5. Although it may seem like I don't do crap for months at a time, I am busy at work....on my PS3. FIFA '08 rocks the balls!

  6. sweet stuff e.

    kristin and i got season tickets to the avengers if you want to go to a game (we picked up extra seats). beer on me. :)

    saw your ratatoue prints at wizard world la con, very cool, kristin though about picking one up, but they weren't signed by you.

  7. When you finish this, I will give you another taco bell coupon.

  8. Awesome Eric! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  9. Dude, can I have a copy? What happened to my last request?

  10. King Taco is the shit. They're building one close to my place, and am too thrilled.
