Sunday, September 23, 2007

First Crack

Here's my 1st attempt at the layout. Lazy Eric, who usually sketches something out, decided to take a nap, screw the sketch and just hop on the computer to start the design. What should have took 2 seconds with the sketch, took about 2 whole days cuz I found myself moving shapes around, with no clear idea, just praying some miracle would happen. Isn't there some filter in Photoshop that designs stuff for you? Not a good lesson kids! Sketch it out 1st! There are still a few things missing. The cereal itself is gonna be photographed and dropped in. There's gonna be a knocked out zombie wrestler leaning against the turnbuckle. All the colors are also temp. I have the damndest time getting the colors right with everything I do. Because of this, don't expect another post anytime soon :) Time for another nap!


  1. Don't be so hard on yo' self. It's good to break free from the usual. Try to rethink your way back into this thing and see what you discover. The Photoshop filter you really need can be found under: Filter/ Blur/ Vision/ Pint of Booze. Uck ya.

  2. looking good tanner....hey hutch, i try to look for the filter, but couldn't find it. is it in the new version photoshop BS

  3. looking sweet E.

    i love how you did the ropes.

    remeber wrestlemaina?

