Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cousin Kenny, My Idol!

My cousin is a one-man-party and the coolest guy I know. He's always got a beer or some happy smoke close by and he once knocked out a small bear during a camping trip. If anything, he's taught me not to take B.S. from nobody. Last I heard, he's doing a stretch at county. He should be out soon though. I'll keep a few cold ones in the fridge for you cuz!


  1. I like the perscription drugs next to the empty Smirnoff Ice bottles.
    Next up.....Uncle Willie!!

  2. You should see my hair now Larry. I've been growing it out. It's pretty damn close! When are you recommending another beer? That first one was A+!

  3. I can see the resemblance...but larry is riht, you need a mullet.

  4. I'm getting tired of looking at this "slack-ass". How about gracing us with some Class A Tanner art?
