Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!!

My mom was nice enough to visit me at the office last week. Here's a picture of her next to one of the Ratatouille posters in the lobby. She looks happy enough and we were having a nice day, but things took a turn for the bizarre about 2 seconds after I shot this. Every now and then, the craziest, far-fetched, and completely random idea will pop into my mom's head. Thank god it's wasn't passed on genetically to me (or was it?). In this case, she decided all of a sudden that she wanted to take the poster with her. I immediately told her that she was completely nuts and I think they'll notice if it's missing. That thing's like 10 feet tall for crying out loud. She responded by lifting the thing off the wall from the bottom to see how it was hung. I had no idea why she wanted it since there is no space in her house to hang it, let alone any way to haul it back with her to San Diego. I stood there stunned. She asked me to help her unhinge it and I thought I was gonna throw up. About 20 minutes later, as I lay motionless on the floor, she fortunately gave up on the idea when she found out we had a Starbucks in the cafeteria. Funny thing is, the sight of my 5' mom trying to wrestle a 10' poster off the wall was worth it alone. I had a good laugh after I got over the terror of it all. What i didn't tell her was that a security camera was pointed right at her the whole time. That's gotta be some ridiculous footage. If anything, it could prove my innocence in court while mom sat in jail for stealing company property. Happy Mother's Day mom!


  1. E.T.- That's a great story! Sounds like something my mom would try to do. Thanks for sharing that little gem.

  2. I don't believe it one bit. I had a look at the security cam and it was you who was trying to take all the 10' poster. It just could fit through the front door.

    funny tanner...great story. reminds me of my mom also...except my mom is 4'11".

  3. I can relate. You should see the things our mom took home. You can, actually. It's sitting in front of her house.

  4. Haha! I'm glad to see that I'm not alone here. Our mom's should hang. I was invited into Ms. Tuzon's house but Rich warned me not to go in there. It can't be that bad, right Larry?

  5. My Mom's 4' 11", too.

    She's also a member of The Lolipop Guild.

  6. I'm late to the party but I got all y'all beat. My Indian mom is 4'10".

    She used to tear open Wonder Bread bags at the grocery store to try to get me the Star Wars sticker inside.

    Love ya mom!
