Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Fun Team

There are two sides to our creative team at work, character artists and designers. I fall into the latter category. In meetings, I've noticed that the designers like to fold their arms and comment on everything, while the character artists like to quietly look down into their sketchbooks and draw caricatures of EVERYONE in the room. They always seem to have a smirk on their face while doing so. I decided to take a stand and do as the character artists do because frankly, they look like they're having a lot more fun. During a recent meeting, sketchbook in hand, here's what I came up with. I wanted to do something nastier, cuz it seems to be a qualification for a lot of their caricatures, but the two folks pictured have the power to fire me so I played it safe. I discovered that it was waaaaay more fun than having to fold my arms and talk! Oh, and on their coffee breaks, the character artists like to rip on everyone who happens to walk by. I LOVE THESE GUYS!!! By hanging out more and more with them, I hope I get to be a nasty SOB too!..and better at drawing stuff.


  1. Good Times! Yes, you're right Tan, the Character Artists DO have more fun! Just ask Kelvin.

  2. Coffee break anyone? You've said, buddy. If you see a group of character artist sitting around for a coffee break, walk away. Try not to be seen. If any of the three amigos are They go for the jugular.
    Welcome to our drawing club...

  3. "...nasty S.O.B's" ???

    I won't forget that, Tanner!!

  4. I totally mean that in a respectful and admirable way. That's some party on your side of the building. You have beer for crying out loud! All we got on our side is envy, spite, ....and Wing.

  5. Tan, have you ever tried eating a burrito, while snowboarding and skateboarding at the same time, half asleep?

  6. Wow. I'm missing out.

  7. these are trade secrets! i've got my eye on you tan.
