Sunday, March 25, 2007

Someone wake me the hell up!

The whole point of this was to share my art with everyone, get feedback from all of you, and motivate myself to get the creative ball rolling. I've been very impressed and inspired by my friends/coworkers and the amazing work on all of their personal blogs. Unfortunately for me, my creative ball outside of my day job is about the size of a peanuttle and it doesn't roll very far. And to top it off, typing these few lines has made me very, very tired. I'm getting a beer. I promise I'll post something meaningful in the not too distant future. A word of advice before I go: Don't hold your horses.


  1. wake up dude! Time for another post.

  2. That's ok, Eric. You should see my first posting.

  3. Hey Eric T! Is this one of your sculpts? I love it. I agree with you about how hard it is to get motivated outside of work. That's the main reason I started my blog. At least now I'm not creating in a complete vaccuum. And if I haven't got anything new to post, I'll share something from my past.

    I hope you get jazzed soon and post some of your wonderful work.

  4. Thanks Vince! That's my very own Eric action figure from college. He came with a burrito, pop tarts, and a fart tornado sidekick. My superpower involved eating gassy foods and unleashing the fart tornado which would then suffocate my arch enemies and make them piss themselves. Pretty nifty huh? I got a B- on it! The teach called it "tasteless" but said it looked enough like me.

  5. welcome.....hey, you have the same superpowers as me.....

  6. All right Kelvin! Thought I was the only one. Meet up at King Taco so we can "gas up" and we can go fight evil after.

  7. gas it up....I will destroy all...king taco now!

  8. E.T....WHAT UP!!!
    Get postin' do great work, now let's see it!

  9. Anymore action figure? Do more, more! How about a durian eatting Eric action figure? You can include the aroma with it.

  10. Consider it done Larry! I'll just throw a fat piece of durian in the package for the smell! Live bugs will grow in there. Bonus!

  11. hilarious. i love that you got a B on it. it's time to dust it off and launch your line of comics and vinyl toys.

  12. Look at You could be reading the most dramatic e-book today!! It is called "An Ordinary Black Cat" Please, let me know...

  13. dude, i so rember this figure, you did it clane graves class right?

  14. Cool blog! And lovely pieces of art as well :)
