Monday, May 19, 2008

Tuzon Jr., Kicking A$$ & Taking Names

My buddy/coworker Rich Tuzon is part of a group show that opens this week at Gallery 1988 in Hollywood. If you're into fine artistic fun made with acrylic paint, wood panels, and a whole lot of pad thai, be sure to check it out. He ain't bad! In fact, I have a monkey he made hanging on my wall. Go for the paintings and stay for the open bar!


Bender Baruch said...

We have a blog illustration and other visual arts and we'd like to get an interview.
These are the questions:
1) We drew much attention textures that can be found in your work ...
2) How do you handle work from an illustration?
3) What techniques using? Is there anything digital there?
4) What are your influences? What were your teachers?
5) Why do you think you seek enlightenment?
Norberto Baruch B.

Bender Baruch said...

Sorry, my mail:
Norberto baruch B.