Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Need Sleep!

I finally finished up that X-men poster over the weekend. It was quite the honor to get to work on these characters that I've followed since I was a kid. In the end, it became a combination of the stuff I did for Incredibles and them old German film posters. Hope it works! Now I'm gonna get a big cheeseburger and 8 tacos over at Jack in the Box with this $5 I found in my pocket.


flatelephant said...


its freaking beautiful.


you rocked it like a rockstar.

Bobby Pontillas said...

Yeah this turned out great Eric! Thanks for showing the rough too.

K.B. said...


flatelephant said...

seriously E,

i want to get one of these off of you if you do a print run please.

You did the gradient proud on this one.

Anonymous said...

VERY nice. looks even better in person. (wink)

thanks for the sneak peak and #5 off the press. it's already hung in me house.

looks mint.

go blazers

SteveLambe said...

Wow! That came out fantastic, Eric.

Anonymous said...

Can you post a Hi-res version?

I'd wipe a country off the map for this poster.

Emily Fontana said...

I'd Like to offer my first born for a copy of this as a poster.

Unknown said...


any chance you will be offering this as a print tun?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Really great retro look.

Anonymous said...

Just another post about how I'd buy one if you did a print run.

Uncle Pilot said...

Falling in with the calls for a print run. I need this on my wall.

Daniel said...


Looney Boy said...

wow...please tell me you do commissions...i totally want original art from you...

Looney Boy said...


please tell me you do commissions b/c i totally want a piece of art from you...

Unknown said...

Looks great! It's fun to see old childhood superheroes in your style. I like how you went with more of an old school look with the costumes... where'd you find the reference for that? : )

Anonymous said...

That's so good it would make the third movie watchable!

Pj Perez said...

OK, obviously you are making prints. Where do I buy one? Please? Now?

flatelephant said...

hook it up E.

pretty pretty please?

Anonymous said...

Put me down as another person who wants a print. Or the original.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i love it! A pleasant point of view, i like your style a lot.

flatelephant said...

looks like you could but a lot of jack in the box off of this one.

Anonymous said...

I just found this thru Neatorama but I'm telling you I will buy this poster if it is made available. So I ask you, will you please sell this? I'll check back to see if you do!

Anonymous said...


I would love to buy a copy!

Chris Battle said...

Rock on! That's awesome, man. Is this for the Gallery 1988 Stan Lee show?

Ben Balistreri said...

This is particularly amazing!!

flatelephant said...

cool E.

i'm going to try and make it up there.

hopefully, they won't sell out too quick.

congrats on the success.

Andreas said...

Incredibly nice and inspiring!
I'm happy I found your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I'd even PayPal you some dough to just download a high-res version that we could large-format-print ourselves! Fantastic work!

Mike Hales said...

I'm glad I found yer blog. Gorgeous work, man.

Anonymous said...

Eric -
I can put you in touch with some Marvel editors. Can't believe I did the art for the Stan Lee "Superhero" show for two seasons and I didn't know about this gallery show! - mh

Ryan Wood said...

Terrific image & fantastic design, sir!

Anonymous said...

From Spain congratulations... really great job!

flatelephant said...

E, will you be up at the show?

Anonymous said...

Eric... I'm from the UK so I can't get over to try and purchace.. Whats the chances of you putting up a Hi-Res so we can download.. I'm sure Many others would love to able to get a print of this... I'd be more than happy to pay for it using paypal!

Its an awsome poster I love the style!..

Pj Perez said...

For those of you not in LA, Gallery 1988 told me that if there were any of the 100 prints left over after the reception, they would have them available for purchase by phone the day after the opening. Stay posted to the gallery's website at

Anonymous said...

Eric, could you please e-mail me at the following address? I have some opportunities I'd like to discuss with you. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yo eric...

someone already asked but:

r u gonna be at the show?

i'd like to know too. i have some stuff i'd like you to look at.


Patricio OLiver said...

bloooody amazing man OH its so so so great, cyclops looks incredible congrats. Where can I get this poster? I would love to have it

ironic1 said...


Stoic and beautiful. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

How many burritos would a high resolution file of this require? Please email me at

I'll burn my lab down after I print it with video on youtube to prove it!

Please O please O please I jus' want to put this in like EVERY ROOM IN MY PLACE.

You're one helluvanArtist, my admiriation goes out to you.

But seriously, i'll pay for this with blood. Someone else's blood =P

- from the east coast

Anonymous said...

Will you ever make a print of this? If so, I would like to purchase one. Please let me know when time permits.

The image is fantastic!!!


Larry Fire

Larry said...

Hey T, nice job! When you come over on Sunday, don't forget to bring a copy of the poster. That's the entrance fee for Chargers on HD. It also includes a pinoy breakfast, beer, and time on the massage chair.

Greg said...

Right click and save. This turned out freaking awesome!

mr. cool said...

Totally awesome! I attended the opening night of the Stan Lee show but I didnt see this piece up there. Anyway are you THE Eric Tan that attended Montgomery High School in South San Diego and used to draw for the The Moctezuman? I'm assuming it is you. I think you were on staff with my sister and I was on staff after you graduated...Anyway glad to see you "made it" big and doing stuff for Disney! It' s a great testament to of your talent and for our community back in SD!

Anonymous said...

I really, really want one of these prints! Gallery 1988 started a rumor that you may have some left. This poster is so freaking awesome. Please put me on the list if you are going to sell the extras you have!

intergalactic said...

Same here man!

Please put me down for one of those bad-boys WHEN/IF you do another run or if you have a few left over??

Love the retro-sci-fi-marvel-x-men look.

My email is:

Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot my email

Anonymous said...

I too, would love a print version of this

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome i totally want a print of that


Drif said...

I would also love to have one of these epic prints. I'd pay up to FIVE dollars for it. Ahhh, for you, I'd pay 10.

Unknown said...


flatelephant said...

i'd love one eric, missed out, been sick as a dog since wed.

congrats on the success man, you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

It was a little sad going to the Gallery 1988 opening, and not seeing the best piece there... I'd also like to be put on the list to obtain a print if possible. I can't wait to see what comes next from you...

Vince M said...

This X-hibition art is X-tremely great. You must be X-hausted, X-pecially after all of the X-citement this X-cellent design has created.

I'd ask for a print too, but I'm afraid it might be too X-pensive.


LRO said...

Oh boy, i want some of it!!!
Amazing job!

Nicolette Davenport said...

vince is funny.

Mukpuddy said...

Freakin awesome dude!!

goldenfiddle said...

where do i buy my copy?

flatelephant said...

Go chargers!!!

djmaneone said...

Love to see you're still drawing and being creative brother!

Love those ratatouille drawings..



Diego Simone said...

your artwork is simply amazing

Josh Book said...

Love this piece! Glad to have found your blog. I'll check out the show at the gallery this weekend. Excellent work! Also a big fan of the Incredibles work you did.


Deanna said...

I just spent far too much time tracking down your blog, after seeing this image in a friend-of-a-friend's photo post. It was worth it to add to the chorus of, "Print Run! Print Run!" I would pay serious money to hang this in my office.

I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog...

Unknown said...

I want this poster :(

Brandon Waltman said...

this is awesome. i would totally hang that in my room

billgazer said...

Eric, I put on Druggy Rock n' Roll shows in Long Beach/LA.
I would like to commission a poster from you sometime soon.
I’m sure I have a couple of band coming down the pipeline that you dig.
You can check out the shows I’ve had here.

Please contact me here if you're interested.

PS- I can put you on my guest list for any shows I have coming up.


Albert Campillo Lastra said...

Great 'Retro' Job. Gracias

G.Encinas said...

Really nice!!!
Just added you to my favs!

Joe Dy said...

A shout out from Manila.

This needs to be sold as a poster or a T-shirt FAST.
I used the image as my desktop wallpaper and all the guys at work were like "I want one!"

Nicolette Davenport said...

are you still sleeping?

Craig Mackay said...

Perfect treatment, Eric. You are the poster master! I'm constantly blown away by your stuff.

Mirella said...

Cool!! I love it!

Dae said...


This is a great poster. How can I purchase one?

mongsterr said...

I want one too!it's a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Can I haz?
Serioudly, I'd like to buy that poster.

Rickious said...

I love it! So how do I buy one?

Anonymous said...

Very slick, would like to purchase a print. Just some feedback from another designer. Did you try making Jean Grey's hair the red - like cyclops glasses and add the red behind the "X" belts circle (jean, beast, angel) seems like it might be nice to see a little more splashes of the red higher in the piece.

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL. These should be everywhere.

Nobu said...

I was going through your blog and at the end, I saw your ERK figurine... and I was like I've met you before! It had the same class at art center… you were drawing a Mickey disco CD or something... Nice poster! If you make prints in the future, let me know. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

Please makes some prints of this. Otherwise I'm invading Iran.

randomlogik said...

Please please make prints of these.
Will definately buy!

Unknown said...

Heard of this on Geeknights. I need this poster. Wow.

Anonymous said...

You, sir, NEED to make prints available. I would totally buy.

Tim Han said...

is there anyway I can buy a print of this poster? I'm not sure I can go on living without it! please email me...

Lepore said...

This is fantastic! Like everyone else, I need a print. Where can I get one?

Anonymous said...

Your work is amazing. I would love to purchase an X-men print. Please email me and name your price.


Axel said...

Amazing job, I want one, where is the buy now button??

Anonymous said...

just want to say i love the comment that's like "oh, that's cool, but AS A GRAFIK DESIGNUR how about you do it like this because it would be better that way."

oh, and i'd buy one as a gift for sure.

Unknown said...

Have to back up the rest of the comments. This should be a print - I'd buy one!

DiploScribble said...

Absolutely stunning. Are you making prints? Do you still have the original? Would be interested in acquiring something from you or commissioning a piece. Please email me:

Hellboy said...

Hey Eric,

I love the Raiders of the Lost Ark piece you did for ACME and am blown away by this X-Men poster. If you'd do a commission of this or if there is any other way to get a print please let me know. My email is I'm VERY interested. Simply a fantastic piece of work. Thanks, Scott

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the design of this one! So far, it's my favorite of your posters.

Jonn Wood said...

This could never be an actual poster, if only because every Marvel product featuring Wolvie has to have him front and center on any cover or promotional material.

Anonymous said...

Can I please get a poster print of this? Or a hi res copy?

Anonymous said...

SO INCREDIBLE!!! I found about your art with the retro-Ratatouille prints, but this is awesome!!!

If there´s any chance to get a copy or a hi-res, please mail me to

Such a great piece of art

Anonymous said...

please email me dude. i NEED to get my hands on this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

oh no, i left the wrong email. it's!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!

Dorian Peace said...

I am in love with this artwork and this style (the Indiana Jones pieces were fantastic as well).

Like everyone else here, I would also kill to have a print of this. Is that possible? Are you contacting people who leave their email in the comments section?

Let me know if it's possible to get this to hang on my wall: dpeacemail at gmail dot com. You are awesome! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

WOW. What were your influences, what programs do you use. Love the retro style!

Anonymous said...

MY GOD! You must publish this! I WILL BUY THREE.

Geoff Thorne said...

Saw this at GALLERY 1988 and it was freaking stellar then. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

looking to commission one of these from you.

ibid said...

I would like to buy this. please email me and let me know if that is possible. darrenzufelt[at]gmail[dot]com

much thanks.

Unknown said...

I know it has been requested many times already, but is there any chance of obtaining a print of this poster?


Leroy J. Powers said...

I'm on the bandwagon... I love this poster, lol

Anonymous said...

wishing another human being dead is unworthy of you.

Alex Ramirez B. said...

Excelente grafica, ya la habia visto hace tiempo, buen trabajo, saludos desde Peru.

The Ferret said...

My friends and I are trying to get a geek related television show off the ground and our set has that WWII retro style feel to it. I showed this print to the producer which I had as my wallpaper for my ipod touch and he fell in love with it. We want it hung in the background of our studio asap. Let me know the possibilities. geeknationresearchatgmaildotcom

Unknown said...


I love deco-style stuff and I love the X-Men, so this is twice the awesomeness as either one on its own.

So do you do prints of these or is it restricted by Marvel or something? This would look awesome hanging near my computer in a shadowbox.

Love your work!


Brave New Planet said...

Great work! I love your re-invention of a retro-noir look. Very reminiscent of World War II propaganda posters. Nice...

Hey Busy Man!,
Any interest in working on a dark comedy influenced by 'Dr. Strangelove', 'The Twilight Zone' and 'Batman Begins'?

Would love to chat about the project!
I am new to this site, but if you'd like to check out one of my 'hats', go to:

Anonymous said...

I'll just go ahead and throw my hat into the ring, because this is a really fantastic poster design! Great work!! I'm off to check out more.

Rowsdower said...

In spite of stumbling upon this poster a year and a half after it was created, I feel I must own a print of it. Name a price and I will pay it

e-mail details to if this is possible

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Menno, the Netherlands said...

OMG!! As a serious geek fan of the x-men...

Eric Tan plz print this amazing looking piece of art plz!! I think you will make a lot of people like me very very happy!!

This is a awesome piece of art!!

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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Your poster is beautiful. A truly unique version of familiar characters. I stumble on it googling art deco. Brilliant work!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and post while looking up some posters for my new apt. Are there any prints still available? Email me at

Anonymous said...

love this